Dear Rest Of America
Dear Rest Of America - Podcast
AUDIO: On the Verge of Normalizing the Oldest Sexual Taboo—and How It Can Be Stopped

AUDIO: On the Verge of Normalizing the Oldest Sexual Taboo—and How It Can Be Stopped

With America facing an onslaught of forces to break the family unit, never underestimate the power of individuals, united and committed to steering society in the right direction (9 min speaking).
Dear Rest Of America
Dear Rest Of America - Podcast
I saw something you should know about: American politics, entrepreneurship, education, faith and culture through a conservative disposition. I love America and I love American exceptionalism. Having worked with children, teenagers and young adults to support their learning and development, I care deeply about the trajectory and course of the United States of America. In this podcast, my articles are delivered in audio mode.