Dear Rest Of America
Dear Rest Of America - Podcast
AUDIO: Why Are Healthy Under 40 Year Olds Suddenly Collapsing Dead Around the World?

AUDIO: Why Are Healthy Under 40 Year Olds Suddenly Collapsing Dead Around the World?

Underlying factors include irregularities in the heart, which trigger a cardiac arrest. While known to occur previously, the prevalence of this rare event is new, and shocking (10 min speaking).
Dear Rest Of America
Dear Rest Of America - Podcast
I saw something you should know about: American politics, entrepreneurship, education, faith and culture through a conservative disposition. I love America and I love American exceptionalism. Having worked with children, teenagers and young adults to support their learning and development, I care deeply about the trajectory and course of the United States of America. In this podcast, my articles are delivered in audio mode.