Apr 16Liked by Dear Rest Of America

Thanks for posting... people need to know!

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Apr 16Liked by Dear Rest Of America


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The FBI & CIA will soon 'visit' anyone that declares incredulity for Big Pharma (Pfizer etc,) continuing to enjoy Impunity from any/all LIABILITY for the inherent escalating dangers experienced by those unwittingly taking part in the Covid 19 EXPERIMENTAL mRNA (Gene Modifying) injection ("VACCINE")!

WHY do these medicine criminals enjoy the benefit of zero culpability for the serios health issues, the 'vax injuries and the vax related injections (called vaccines)? It's absolute nonsense and tantamount to premeditated murder!

My reasoning relates back to the last 'EXPERIMENTAL' injection (that was a proper 'vaccine' for Swine Flu. This was in the 1970's when another injection was invented to, supposedly 'cure' Swine Flu.

Like the Covid jab, this 'vaccine' was found to by UNSAFE and INEFFECTIVE. Several recipients (Military - I believe) died following this un proven experimental injection. After just over 50 casualties were reported the 'Swine Flu vaccine' EXPERIMENT' was removed from Trial being "Too Dangerous".

This latest covid Poison has killed MILLIONS worldwide but Pfizer et al, won't give up until they are forced to accept LIABILITY! Why would they as they are raking in fortunes on a daily basis. Perhaps some of the excess profits are used to ensure the NO LIABILITY RULE continues. Sound like great budgeting and a 'can't lose' business Plan?

This seems to be destined to continue until there are no mugs left to inject - or the planet is totally depopulated, as seems to be the intent of the New World Order (The super wealthy ELITES of the World Economic Forum, who seem to pull all the strings these days?

Covid vax seems to be part of the New World Order Cull of humanity?

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabed to live longer!

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Apr 18·edited Apr 18Liked by Dear Rest Of America

Nothing infuriates me more than the BS meaningless term 'keeping you safe', whilst all the while not repairing our dangerous third world roads, and jabbing us with cancer inducing toxins and clot shots! They're taking the piss! - 100%

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This has definitely gotten out of control in the last few years. And with a mostly cowardly Congress re authorizing FISA with MORE provisions, it will get worse. Thanks for posting it.

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Nobuddy envisioned the right ta invade yer "home territory" without a warrant b/c the territory now is digital, no brick 'n mortar ta be found. Otherwise it's the 4th. It's all purdy ominous tho--'specially here when we thought we could expect "priv-assy" (in all spaces!). As Evelyn Beatrice Hall (opinin' on Voltaire) said, “I may disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it” -- an' that's how I feel with this whole mess. (Meantimes, I do feel Social Me-Dia is a trap...wish that warn't the case)

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Apr 16Liked by Dear Rest Of America

It's a pity we don't have the audio version of Hillary's 302's regarding her 'private' server.

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The slippery slope just keeps getting more slippery. Hang on people! Thanks for posting! I was not aware it was that extensive. Sabrinalabow.substack.com

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Apr 17Liked by Dear Rest Of America

Does anyone recall Johnny Carson"s TV show, "Who Do You Trust"? Just sayin'.

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They cops have been taught extensively, to state the following;

"Nuffink we can do about excess deaths following the covid jab mate - it's a civil matter."

This makes then conspiracists to MURDER!

The WEF's New World Order has won because the farce goes on unabated!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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