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More evidence to stay away from synthetic drugs. They are meant to make people more sick. Many of us now know Pharma/modern medicine is a scam. God has given us natural remedies for pretty much everything, we only need to re-discover them. Just stop letting them poison you.

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Really had me rocking and rolling on this topic. Have wasted almost 2 hours writing and have finally ended the disgusting tirade of venting and vomit.

Can't believe we really must explore this Public-Private Partnership Poison...The MotherWEFFERS...And, all actually The Black Nobility with it's International Mafia empowering it all.

It's all an OLD STORY...The same story existing since the beginning of humans; or even Creation with the creatures of HELL hating God and seeking to steal all Creation since the inception of God's creation of Humanity.

Imperial Monarchy's were always Nazi's...UTTERLY TYRANNICAL. We know that. We also know they were Feudal and the "People owned nothing and WERE NOT HAPPY." We also know they used opiates to depopulate and enslave the masses as well as maintaining, growing their illicit Drug Trade since the Opium Wars in China at the same time of the U.S. Revolution.

We know THEY have grown to now control and own The Illicit Cocaine Trade in the Western Hemisphere having an Infrastructure NOW BEING BUILT under the pretext of the Insurgency at the Southern Border...It's a 'Fentanyl War' exactly as the Opium War of 240 yrs. ago.

Behind the fact of the Illicit Drug War are the ENEMY MILITARY MEN ENTERRING INTO THE U.S. WAITING FOR THE 'CLARION CALL' TO ATTACK. America is a very rich nation and if people don't protect it; it will be stolen out from under them.

The Ai/Bioweapon Injections really are an outgrowth of the Black Nobility Demon's TERROR known since The French Revolution as well as their chosen of the Human Cattle Herd; ambitous, ethically elastic and morally bankrupt seduced, bribed, blackmailed and threatened into compliance. With all the Fentanyl, U.S. Tax $$ and Inflation robbing America...There's a lot for kickbacks for the TREASONOUS SELL-OUTS.

It's been an increasingly 'Target-Rich Environment' for the Demons Hiding in Human Being Suits' since faith in God has almost totally been extinguished.

There is NO mystery...This time is an old story; past history repeating itself.

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Thank you, BlazeCloude3, for taking the time to express your deep thoughts. I appreciate that such topics cause rage, anger, and frustration among those who cherish community, humanity, and individual freedom as described in the Constitution. My primary motivation for writing such content is to create an awareness of current "visions" with a dire, anti-human agenda in the hope that enough people will collectively reject and, instead, willfully support ideas, laws, and policies that protect individual freedoms and encourage healthy living.

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My Gosh, it was so long after two hours I totally deleted it all and have no idea how it was condensed into what was left after all the writing. Exercise helped to organize the B.S. in my mind so I guess I should thank you. 😉

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You are most welcome, 😉.

Feel free to express as much -- or as condensed -- as you so wish.

We can all learn from one another.

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You're putting out some good stuff 'Dear Rest of America'...

Learning from you as well.

Some 'Notes' were in the window a few days ago.

The Information Glut is somehow breaking even with

the increased censorship and TROLLS.


Thanks to those people as YOU. 🌹😉🙏🏼💖

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You just presented a superb argument against this juvenile concept of AI "synthetic patient" via the lens of systems science/complex adaptive systems (CAS). We do not know enough about the human body, and the subtle interplays between its organs and microcomponents. The data for the AI engine is simply incomplete! Creating a medicine/vaccine from the "synthetic patient" approach is therefore a recipe for disaster. In medical terms, we can expect potentiation, synergistic toxicity etc.etc. --- which all fall under the rubric of "emergence" in systems science.

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Thank you for commenting! I really appreciate your thoughtful and expert insight.

And welcome to the Dear Rest Of America (DROA) community.

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