Perhaps Californians should take a clue from Cubans (who also live under an oppressive regime) and keep their old gasoline cars running for decades.

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For sure.

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And the rest of us need to ditch EMP vulnerable, kill switch vulnerable vehicles and drive vintage Detroit Iron that can be repaired in a driveway with hand tools

You would be amazed at what you could afford .

I still remember our grocer picking me up hitching in his Coupe DeVille in 1973.

I asked if he considered getting an economy car.

He growled behind his cigar "This is my economy car--its got 300K on it and I haven't even needed to rebuild it"!

You can find old Cadillacs, Lincolns and Chryslers with under 100K for four or five grand.

Something to consider.

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I know people like that. I’ll be in the market for a 1980’s vehicle soon. Was planning to get one sooner, but my current computerized truck needed expensive work done due to problems with the computer system. And other such life issues, are up my funds for such purchase. Hopefully I can get something sooner rather than later.

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LOL in California. Buy an electric car then buy a generator to charge it because we shut the electricity off daily!

"Electric vehicles tend to produce more pollutants from tire and brake wear, due in large part to their batteries, as well as the other parts needed to propel them, making them heavier."

"These pollutants are emitted when electric vehicle tires and brakes deteriorate as they accelerate or slow down while driving. Timmers and Achten’s research suggests exhaust from traditional vehicles is only about one-third of the total emissions."


Then the batteries themselves. Lithium is nasty to mine. Often by children in 3rd world countries. When the battery goes, probably $20,000 or more to replace. Then disposal.

Agreed that the only way things on all fronts are going to change is massive passive resistance. Like Gandhi is India finally exasperated the British and they threw their hands up and left.

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one more comment, this electric vehicle thing is more about virtue signalling than actual virtue, which seems to be in very short supply in these times.

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https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/companies/canadian-tesla-owner-says-automaker-locked-him-out-of-his-car-until-he-pays-2426000-for-new-battery/ar-AA11SQGb. that is what I have to say about that. A BATTERY COSTS 21K to 24 K.. in a Telsa. and then.. Above about an effective price of $49,000, basically all of the electric cars are all-wheel drive (with exception of some Porsche Taycan versions). The first all-electric pickup - Rivian R1T - starts at an effective price of $60,000 and offers 314 miles (505 km) of range.

Email: contact@insideevs.com

Occupation: European Editor

Electric Car Price Comparison For US: Cheapest To Most Expensive


insideevs.com/news/534027/electric-car-prices-us-20210918 THIS IS ABOUT MONEY and it AIN't gonna happen. NOTE KIA included on the list CAR OF THE HOW DO YOU LIKE ME NOW.. co Exist tailgater anyway I was just on for a minute..

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Your MSN Link above is censored and taken down! What do you know!

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I encourage CA to go full steam ahead. The more they accomplish their goal, the better the rest of the world can witness their abject failure! Ridicule will follow. And it won’t take until 2035 to make their obscurity evident, either. So bring it on, Cali, bring it on!

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Thank you for commenting; I appreciate your thoughts!

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I agree, Judy, but I feel that Gruesome Newsom will run for POTUS long before that, and he will push his policies onto an entire nation! This year, he may run at the last minute with Big Mike Obama! One will be POTUS, and the other Vice! I hope I am wrong!

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We will see! I, too, hope you’re wrong!

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Me tooo!!

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I hear you loud and clear.

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They were telling people not to flush their toilet at one point. But try to get a house built with a composting toilet.

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Lemmings and a Cliff come to mind here.

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All part of the Great Reset. Take away their independence that an automobile gives us. First you make gas expensive and rare, then you drive up utility costs. You require expensive electric cars. You build appartments and condos in the cities where public transportation is available. Then you set up a social credit score system. If you have a bad social credit score, no travel. The state has complete control.

Remember when Mayor Pete told us to ride the bus if gas was too expensive?

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"Mayor Pete told us to ride the bus if gas was too expensive?" Indeed, thanks for reminding.

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Thank you for that very courteous recommendation. It was very kind.

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You're welcome. We need more people like you.

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I would have taken the bus to work, but it takes three hours to get to where I can get in 30-40 mins depending on traffic. One way. Spending six hours a day on a bus just wasn’t going to work out for me. Plus the cost of the bus pass was only about half of my expense of driving, at best… not including car repairs. But then I’d still have my car to use in my local area anyways. There was absolutely no logic to commuting. If I’d gotten rid of my car, my x would have taken me to court to get full custody and probably would have won. In addition to the obvious.

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Thank you for commenting! I appreciate your taking the time to share your thoughts and personal experience.

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….as he was loading up his gas suburban

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Widespread ownership of automobiles is an affront to would-be despots.

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Too much freedom for the serfs.

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All so we can live in 15 minute cities! Take a look at The Line in Saudi Arabia. They’ve already broken ground…


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Thanks for sharing this, it should scare the hell out of us. Imagine the control they would have over us, there would be no escape.

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Indeed, and while they tout how “equitable” this type of “city” is, you can be sure the elites would live at the top and the useless eaters would be relegated to the bowels where they belong!

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really think that if you are into the CO2 thing, that just the production of the lithium batteries, from mining to final product produces much more CO2 than the operating of the car will ever save. then there is the toxic battery that must be disposed of. Of course the CO2 weather change is a total hoax, I have yet to see any explanation of the science involved as to the mechanics of this event. CO2 is a good thing, necessary for life on this planet, and like most things too much is not good, but we have a very long way to get to too much. there are so many forces in play that effect the weather, like the decreasing wobble of the earth, which goes in 26,000 year cycles. the tropical zone is decreasing by 30 meters a year, the sun is not traveling on the perpendicular to the earth's surface as far north and south each year. We are in a long term cooling trend at the poles.

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Vowing never to live in CA.

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I live in New California and stay out of California as much as possible.

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Pretty sure I can add at least a dozen more states to that list!

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I wonder if they’ve given any thought to what the farmers will do? Diesel engines work differently, but don’t farm vehicles have emissions - she asks here in the middle of midwest farm country?

Kurt Schlichter has a fun series, well they were fun until I realized they were coming true, the Kelly Turnbull Book series. The story line is what happens when Americans finally get tired of the virtue signaling from our “betters”.

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Very interesting point!

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The Electronic Townhall

The most important issue is:

We must preserve the concept that man is created in the image of God, that we are human beings, not animals in a pen.

Citizenship is not about writing letters to elected officials or voting some good person into office who will do the right thing.

Citizenship is about the Ratification or Annulment of each line of every law, rule and regulation on the books or that is on the docket waiting to be turned into law and taxes.

That is what Citizenship is about.

During the 1992 Presidential campaign, Ross Perot made this observation: "a general lack of accountability among elected officials and those in the bureaucracy is the one specific reason that the people in America suffered…. and the only way to hold them accountable is to inspect their work."

Now, it is a known fact that the members of the US Congress and the State Legislatures do not have enough time to read or debate the particulars contained in any of the typically 100 new laws (200 thousand pages) they vote on each day while in session.

And since the duly elected are incapable of evaluating 200 thousand pages of law speak per day they have forfeited their delegated right to represent us.

So, the only way to prevent these over worked and fallible people from making some more tragic mistakes from which we might never recover is to include ourselves, The Citizens, from whom the authority for government comes in the first place, in the decision making process.

How it works:

1. Before a new law, tax, or expenditure can be put on the books it must first be Ratified by the Citizens.

2. Existing laws can be Annulled by the same super majority required to Ratify them.

Ross Perot went on to note that this can easily be done with computers and he called the program: THE ELECTRONIC TOWNHALL, and said, "it is only logical that it will become our Fourth Branch of Government".

This program can be applied to every branch of government and will solve every problem we have at every level.

To prevent chaos, the basic law, our Constitution and Bill of Rights, would be exempt from review.

Mr. Perot speculated that the Founding Fathers would probably have done the same had the technology been available in their day.

If our government truly is of the people, by the people and for the people then this is the only way forward.

How to implement it:

We talk about it until it is done.

We can acquire the text of a recent law and have AI parse its actionable elements, apply a questionnaire that the concerned Citizens can Ratify or Annul. Then distribute the link to the results.

When Human Beings made in the image of God can see the result of their noblest and most sober thoughts, at such a scale, then there will be the moment where Our Benevolence and Good Will shall overcome Evil and then we all live happily ever after.

The Electronic Townhall

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Hi again! I appreciate your eagerness to comment. Let us avoid duplicates. Thank you again, and welcome to the Dear Rest Of America (DROA) community!

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Are you just curating stories and what not to keep the hoi polloi entertained?

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My aim is to inform, educate, and hopefully inspire many to take action that goes towards preserving and bolstering that can-do American attitude, and ideals of individualism and self-governance.

You can learn more about DROA:



Thank you!

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Where does electricity come from?? I live near a coal powered plant that produces electricity for Kansas City. Where does the electricity come from to charge up electric cars? Probably diesel fuel. No matter how you look at the situation we need get to real and we need fossil fuels from our mother Earth.

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Thank you for sharing a very important point!

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We're now almost totally controlled by Communists (aka Socialists/Democrats). They've *worked hard and intelligently* since 1922 to subvert our country and it looks like they've finally won. And only a few Americans know what happened, because they don't read books, and the major and alternative media are both captured.

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"... and the major and alternative media are both captured." This is an important point. As independent writers, journalists, and influencers, we must maintain our separation from big monopoly businesses and the temptation of being co-opted by bulging financial incentives from centralized powers. Supporting and empowering one another at the local, grassroots level must be cherished for social change.

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Speaking of California Car Insurance, GMA reported this morning that , I believe it was Allstate is increasing rates 30 percent for all CA customers.

No explanation given.

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This may be cost-driven, but the people running Allstate are probably graduates of our Marxist school systems who agree with the Great Reset.

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I appreciate your thoughts!

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Thank you for sharing this information.

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If California does this, the walking yeast infection in charge of NY will certainly be bringing the same clown world to The Empire State.

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Let's radiate them all to death..... but stealthy.


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