Aug 23, 2022·edited Aug 23, 2022Liked by Dear Rest Of America

Once people begin replacing batteries on Electric Vehicles and realizing that they are powered by coal and gas-powered power plants, the fad will die out.

While America has been waging war around the world and ignoring the needs of its citizens, China has been creating its Belt and Road initiative. We will soon find ourselves outclassed and bypassed.

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Aug 23, 2022Liked by Dear Rest Of America

The thing with China is they used the COVID to hurt our economy and they hurt their own economy in the process. Like our ruling class, they are too arrogant or ignorant to realize that a vibrant middle class creates wealth. When you destroy that, you destroy wealth.

Governments do not create wealth, they only redistribute it.

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Aug 22, 2022Liked by Dear Rest Of America

Interesting piece! I wonder what you think about the idea that the national lens is less relevant as transnational corporations become more and more important: https://join.substack.com/p/machinery.

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A brief history of Clinton treason with China.

Gov. Bill Clinton raids teacher pension fund in Arkansas of $400 million. Newspaper to break story following Monday. Chinese born Indonesian magnate Mochtar Riady, owner of the Lipo Group, replaces funds OVER THE WEEKEND! Monday morning, no story! Clinton is Riady's boy!

Clinton gets elected President. Allows missile guidance company, Loral, to go to China and launch satellites. Energy secretary Hazel O'Leary lowers security at Los Alamos National Lab, which gets breached by China!

China get guidance systems for missiles and 50 YEARS of nuclear technology ALL IN ONE SHOT!

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