All of these ‘world’ organizations have one thing in common…control. 🤬🤬🤬

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Indeed! It is an obsession with control, which ultimately reflects their own insecurity. The attempt to control the masses may give them a sense of power or an ego boost, but these folks must be highly insecure!

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Exactly and that's why I shed no tears over World Central Kitchen getting blown to hell sneaking around Gaza at night.

As Lenny was wont to say in The Grapes of Wrath....

" Too bad. Too damn bad..."

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I continue to stand with the civilians caught up in this orchestrated mess, a constant stirring of conflict to keep everyday civilians in a state of anxiety. Thus, all sides at war can justify their actions and use one war crime to justify another.

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I think few people understand the present reality and it's purpose.

May 14, 1948 shocked the secular world with the re birth of Israel as Prophesied in a single day.

Whereupon the Diaspora suddenly and dramatically came to an end.

Whereupon the world began to dispute the point, lesd, as in all evil, by Satan.

The Muslims are not striving to share the land and they never have been. They have refused the two state solution every time it has been proposed and the claim that they have any right to that land is without merit.

Contemporaneous histories make no mention of an imaginary Fakestinian people in the pre Zionist era.

Encyclopedia Brittanica reports a very sparsely populated land with no ethnicity rising above thousands, plagued with massacres of Jews, not by imaginary Fakestinians, but Egyptians raiding from Egypt.

Bedouin--Nomads are noted as the principal occupants of the land and it's quite a stretch to consider people whose home is everywhere and no where as indigenous.

Jews constituted about a third less than the nomads, during the Diaspora, well before Zionism began, and their numbers obviously reduced through repeated Egyptian raids.

There is no trace of validity to the Fakestinian Myth, as their own leaders have said publicly many times over the years, and the claims of stoken land are untrue.

There was a land registry like anywhere else and total resident Arab land ownership was 3 percent.

Some few of the present Fakestinians may have lost land, but they never owned enough to match their claims of theft and common sense says the majority of those resident Arabs accepted Israel's offer and urging to become citizens, this forming the ancestry of those who serve in the Knesset today, as well as all the other less accomplished Arab-Israelis.

It has never been about any of the accepted narrative, it's about one thing, killing Jews and they have publicly affirmed that for 76 years and more, there is no room for honest doubt at this point today they maintain that they will continue until Israel is wiped off the map.

Their whole narrative is a lie, they are not being starved, and there has been no mass killing of civilians.

This week, their sponsor in crime, the UN was finally so shamed by the bogus Hamas casualty figures that they officially halved them and they remain inflated.

So much food has been pumped into Gaza that it sells for less than in Israeli stores. Videos have been posted of thriving restaurants doing steady business on Twitter, as well as a Fakestinian complaining of paying $2.98 for a Snickers bar that sells for $2.99 at my corner Walgreens.

Death to America! Death to the Great Satan! Death to Israel! Death to the Little Satan is the most honesty you will hear from them.

Nice talk for a people whose counterfeit Bible finds it needful to explicitly deny Satanic Authorship, aye?

But what people commonly don't understand is the word Holy. They say Israel can't possibly be Holy.

But Holy means set aside for God. Israel was set aside for God BY God, and nothing Hamas or anyone else can do will prevent Him from His purpose.

Short term, His purpose is to destroy Jew Haters. Perhaps you have heard of Armegeddon. Joel 3 is the narrative and if you read it, the Valley of Decision or the Valley of Jehoshaphat are synonyms for Har Megiddo, popularly rendered as Armegeddon.

It is explicitly stated that it's purpose is to lure the nations there for Judgement , specifically for the evil done to Jews, the evil He warned against in Genesis 12:3 and other places.

What George Soros does can't effect it any more than what China Joe does, as you should see, God is angry at the Jews for misconduct, but his wrath is directed at their enemies and He promises that any blood guilt of Israel that he has not forgiven He will forgive.

It's hunan nature to be jealous, but if one is opposed to salvation for Israel, one's own salvation vanishes and Churchians would realize that if they weren't deluded by their State Church Corporation.

Instead of the real and obvious meaning of Judge not lest ye be judged, which is actually don't say so and so will burn in hell because if you do, you will be the crispy critter.

So it doesn't matter if it's your Gentile neighbor or a Jew, it is purely evil to deny anyone Salvation and such evil will not go unpunished.

Finally, the main thing people can't or won't understand is the larger purpose of it all: When the world opposes Israel and God and their combined militaries invade Israel only to find God waiting for them with the Armies of Heaven on standby alert and Israel's enemies turned into a river of Gore, and Israel and it's people fully restored and regnant over the entire planet, the whole world will KNOW He is God.

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I am unsurprised by this in depth report. Groupthink continues with those intent on diminishing individual choice.

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Thank you for commenting! Indeed, the pattern of groupthink persists among those who seek to limit individual choice.

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Excellent as usual.But I really hate seeing Musk described as businessman and entrepreneur.

Musk is a walking, talking CIA front who has never invented anything and whose Death Cars are produced at taxpayer expense, and whose Tesla has yet to produce a nickel of profit and would close it's doors without Black Ops funding.

He is a complete and utter fake and he wants X to control your digital wallet and Neurolink to control your mind.

He is a despicable generational Luciferian and one of the most insidiously evil people on the planet and in world history.

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John, I could have not said it any better about Musk! Add Zuckerberg, Bezos, and the folks at Google! These are all government bought and paid for spy agencies that operate under the guise of being innovators and entrepreneurs of life's convenience who are environmental warriors to save the planet! They are Government bought and paid-for bullshit artists! The only two greatest inventors were: 1.) The first caveman that invented the wheel and 2.) Henry Ford invented the car after that, but I am unsure who was legitimate!

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Thank you for commenting! With regards to the "two greatest inventors," may I ask why Henry Ford? Although Ford is credited with bringing the car to the masses, many historians credit Karl Benz of Germany with inventing the first automobile.

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The invention Ford is credited with is not his automobile, but the assembly line on which it was built affordably for the masses.

Benz took a different direction and Mercedes remains upscale today.

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Henry Ford was the first one that came to my mind! Interesting about Karl Benz being the first inventor of the first automobile!

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Thank you for commenting! I appreciate your feedback on terminology and definition in relation to Elon Musk.

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I don't know if you have noticed, but on stacks threads we have both posted on, neither of us across a few years has ever failed to upvote the other.

Regarding Musk, if you haven't read 2nd Smartest Guy in the World's continuing expose of Musk, it's here on the Stacks and an extremely deep dive it is.

For one graphic example beyond that,last year, in one day, Musk permanently banned, after six warnings, a regretful Trans victim who refused to stop detailing the emotional and physical horrors of Trans and then hopped a jet to London and regaled BBC viewers with tales of his valor as a Free Speech Absolutist.

After that bit of radical hypocrisy, his next defense of free speech was to hire a fellow WEF Young Leader to head up X censorship, which is unabated since the previous ownership, PR to the contrary notwithstanding.

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Communists running the UK's communist OFCOM adjudicator for UK news TV & Radio, is part of the Corrupt WEF set-up. They will crush dissenters like GB News for spreading truth that conflicts with their left wing authoritarian mandate!

Unjabbed Mick (fighting for Truth & Freedom)

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Sunday 26th Ireland Israel Alliance will be hosting all Irish pro Israel groups in Dublin.

Details on their YouTube channel.

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Following up on John's comment... There is no way one can trust Elon Musk...

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Thank you for commenting.

I hear you.

Musk is a slippery character, crafty and untrustworthy.

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