A temporary importation of an unapproved chemotherapy drug from China is authorized to ease a shortage of cancer drugs in America; why is there a lack, and how can it be fixed? (8 min read).
Imagine that. Yet more pharma greed. Why take care of people who just need generic drugs, when you can charge them big bucks for clotshots?
I hate the Marxists that are trying to take over our country, but they are right about one thing, unrestricted Greed by Capitalists is killing people.
There was a time when American Pharma companies were proud to provide the best drugs for the cheapest prices, it was a symbol of excellence and status that you could do this.
Now, it's only money, money, money, and their stranglehold on the Congress only shows this.
You would have thought that the shortages during Covid would have shaken them, but not so.
It's business as usual, charge big bucks to poison your customers.
Thank you for commenting! I believe We, the People need to step up with grassroots activism and advocate for a system that mutually benefits the hospital or private practice and drug manufacturer. Without much advocacy for a proposed solution, Congress isn't budging.
Thank you for commenting! I hear you. These injections have a devastating impact on the immune system of many inoculated people, and a less effective immune system makes us more susceptible to illness. When our immune system is weak and produces white blood cells, it fails to scan our body for cancer cells --which can grow uncontrollably and form a cancerous tumor. https://www.medicinenet.com/can_a_weak_immune_system_cause_cancer/article.htm
We have a situation with the Southern border where unlawful entry (of people and drugs) is essentially being allowed, permitted by the current administration. And then we have another situation with the importation of unapproved foreign drugs due to reduced domestic manufacturing. Regarding the U.S. and China relations, check out "China’s Rise as an Economic Power and Influencer—Supported by U.S. Investments" (https://open.substack.com/pub/ckeeganan/p/chinas-rise-as-an-economic-power?r=1ear66&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web)
Why is there a post-2020 shortage of... (fill-in-the-blank)? Lumber, cars, eggs, computers, drugs... but then, suddenly, not; it's something else. But never avocados, which seem to stay stable or decline in price and availability and quality, at least around here. Which I'm grateful for... but why those?
Two "big picture" thoughts:
1) In a grand-national "cardiac" sense (heart as organ of flow of national life), our society is "fibrillating" (free markets, supply chains, laws, courts, institutions, and systems of government systematically yet perversely discoordinated and thus discredited). Ultimately this is God's judgment on our protracted wickedness, most importantly, our unbelief. But proximately (secondary causes) it seems obvious that invisible hands are messing with the one which Adam Smith postulated, with the grand purpose of taking down Christendom. TPTB despise it with hot passion; always have. (See Psalm 2.) (COVID measures stopped being a valid excuse for inefficient markets a long long time ago.)
2) It is a "severe" mercy (and also a judgment from God) that we are being disabused of our reliance on sorcery (pharmakaeia--drugs, potions, shots; heck, even vitamins) for hope and life. See Revelation 22:15, 21:8, 18:23, 9:21, and Galatians 5:20 in the context of Exodus 7:11, 22:18, and 22:18. I say this advisedly as I ponder my final years. I have lost loved ones to cancer, and sat by the bedsides of others who probably would not have made it without these substances.
Great essay. Indeed, the first thing needed is manufacturing drugs in this country so America quits getting caught by the short hairs. Then clean up the approval system.
LOS ANGELES, Sept. 14, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has admitted that, in direct violation of Federal law, it failed to provide a single vaccine safety report to Congress for thirty years, according to Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN).
Thank you very much for your feedback. Also, thanks for bringing the news re. LOS ANGELES, Sept. 14, 2018 /PRNewswire/ to my attention. America is, I still believe, an exceptional nation and that means recognizing, rooting out and cleaning up corrupt business practices. ... Happy Independence Day!
What could possibly go wrong when we depend on China producing many of our drugs? You could ask the Uigers this question if they weren't all in Chinese reeducation camps.
I wouldn’t mind a robust trade deal with China (something the Trump Administration tried to work on under Peter Navarro, a top trade adviser to President Trump). Still, any reliance or dependency on China, especially for unapproved drugs, is, frankly, dangerous.
Refs. on trade deal with China under the Trump Administration:
No doubt this is what is happening. China is being as patient and covert in this process as they possibly can of buying our cadre of corrupt politicians, and using our money they make in trade surpluses to do it.
Thanks for sharing! "PBMs [pharmacy benefit managers ] drive down drug manufacturers’ margins, especially for those that make lower-cost generic medicines. As a result, manufacturers are exiting specific drug markets or shutting down, contributing to shortages. The murky and unregulated PBM industry is in desperate need of more oversight, but so far, the federal government has provided none."
Thank you for commenting and for sharing your insight. Re. “Sadly as a society, we’ve only become more Ill and dependent. And the next generation looks worse.” I am a great believer in plant-based organic remedies -- herbs, plants, roots, vines and fungi -- which were the norm before the emergence of the modern pharmaceutical industry. As much as I applaud innovation in medicine, I struggle to support a system that drives an overreliance on prescription or over-the-counter drugs, and causes many adverse reactions -- for which the patient or doctor demands new drugs.
I respect the medical profession, and many doctors work exhaustively to support their patients. At the same time, many have resigned themselves to Big Pharma drug prescriptions instead of finding the best preventative or treatment solution for their patients -- and that may or may not require pharmaceutical medicine. Furthermore, there is moral corruption in a system that provides financial bonuses for diagnosing patients with "COVID" or placing them on ventilators to perish. I believe We, the People need to support forming direct doctor-to-patient professional relationships on a local level.
Imagine that. Yet more pharma greed. Why take care of people who just need generic drugs, when you can charge them big bucks for clotshots?
I hate the Marxists that are trying to take over our country, but they are right about one thing, unrestricted Greed by Capitalists is killing people.
There was a time when American Pharma companies were proud to provide the best drugs for the cheapest prices, it was a symbol of excellence and status that you could do this.
Now, it's only money, money, money, and their stranglehold on the Congress only shows this.
You would have thought that the shortages during Covid would have shaken them, but not so.
It's business as usual, charge big bucks to poison your customers.
Thank you for commenting! I believe We, the People need to step up with grassroots activism and advocate for a system that mutually benefits the hospital or private practice and drug manufacturer. Without much advocacy for a proposed solution, Congress isn't budging.
This article definitely needs more share buttons.
Indeed. Twice as much. Get the word out there. ;)
Thanks DROA. Shortage of cancer meds? Of course not caused by the sudden & massive upsurge in cancers from the injections?
Thank you for commenting! I hear you. These injections have a devastating impact on the immune system of many inoculated people, and a less effective immune system makes us more susceptible to illness. When our immune system is weak and produces white blood cells, it fails to scan our body for cancer cells --which can grow uncontrollably and form a cancerous tumor. https://www.medicinenet.com/can_a_weak_immune_system_cause_cancer/article.htm
Drugs made in China, what a new normal. Did you know that most of the Fentanyl pills crossing the Southern border also come from China?
We have a situation with the Southern border where unlawful entry (of people and drugs) is essentially being allowed, permitted by the current administration. And then we have another situation with the importation of unapproved foreign drugs due to reduced domestic manufacturing. Regarding the U.S. and China relations, check out "China’s Rise as an Economic Power and Influencer—Supported by U.S. Investments" (https://open.substack.com/pub/ckeeganan/p/chinas-rise-as-an-economic-power?r=1ear66&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web)
Happy 4th of July Dear Rest of America! God bless this country…
Thank you, Warrior Princess! Likewise, Happy Independence Day -- and God bless this unique, exceptional nation that is America!
Dear Concerned Constitutionalist Cameron,
You Have Yourself,
On heckuva
Wonderful Independence Day !!!
Always & Thank You.
Hopefully, Legislators & Regulators, concerned with needed Good medicines, will follow, Your Healing Health Heed & Logical Lead !
You Should Run
For Office !
Best Foot Foward.
Thank you, Paul! Happy Independence Day! God bless you -- and God bless the *United* States of America!
Why is there a post-2020 shortage of... (fill-in-the-blank)? Lumber, cars, eggs, computers, drugs... but then, suddenly, not; it's something else. But never avocados, which seem to stay stable or decline in price and availability and quality, at least around here. Which I'm grateful for... but why those?
Two "big picture" thoughts:
1) In a grand-national "cardiac" sense (heart as organ of flow of national life), our society is "fibrillating" (free markets, supply chains, laws, courts, institutions, and systems of government systematically yet perversely discoordinated and thus discredited). Ultimately this is God's judgment on our protracted wickedness, most importantly, our unbelief. But proximately (secondary causes) it seems obvious that invisible hands are messing with the one which Adam Smith postulated, with the grand purpose of taking down Christendom. TPTB despise it with hot passion; always have. (See Psalm 2.) (COVID measures stopped being a valid excuse for inefficient markets a long long time ago.)
2) It is a "severe" mercy (and also a judgment from God) that we are being disabused of our reliance on sorcery (pharmakaeia--drugs, potions, shots; heck, even vitamins) for hope and life. See Revelation 22:15, 21:8, 18:23, 9:21, and Galatians 5:20 in the context of Exodus 7:11, 22:18, and 22:18. I say this advisedly as I ponder my final years. I have lost loved ones to cancer, and sat by the bedsides of others who probably would not have made it without these substances.
I appreciate your insight. Thank you for commenting.
Excellent Cam !
Great essay. Indeed, the first thing needed is manufacturing drugs in this country so America quits getting caught by the short hairs. Then clean up the approval system.
LOS ANGELES, Sept. 14, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has admitted that, in direct violation of Federal law, it failed to provide a single vaccine safety report to Congress for thirty years, according to Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN).
Thank you very much for your feedback. Also, thanks for bringing the news re. LOS ANGELES, Sept. 14, 2018 /PRNewswire/ to my attention. America is, I still believe, an exceptional nation and that means recognizing, rooting out and cleaning up corrupt business practices. ... Happy Independence Day!
What could possibly go wrong when we depend on China producing many of our drugs? You could ask the Uigers this question if they weren't all in Chinese reeducation camps.
Regarding the U.S. and China relations, I refer to “China’s Rise as an Economic Power and Influencer—Supported by U.S. Investments” (https://open.substack.com/pub/ckeeganan/p/chinas-rise-as-an-economic-power?r=1ear66&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web).
I wouldn’t mind a robust trade deal with China (something the Trump Administration tried to work on under Peter Navarro, a top trade adviser to President Trump). Still, any reliance or dependency on China, especially for unapproved drugs, is, frankly, dangerous.
Refs. on trade deal with China under the Trump Administration:
No doubt this is what is happening. China is being as patient and covert in this process as they possibly can of buying our cadre of corrupt politicians, and using our money they make in trade surpluses to do it.
Thanks for sharing! "PBMs [pharmacy benefit managers ] drive down drug manufacturers’ margins, especially for those that make lower-cost generic medicines. As a result, manufacturers are exiting specific drug markets or shutting down, contributing to shortages. The murky and unregulated PBM industry is in desperate need of more oversight, but so far, the federal government has provided none."
Thank you for commenting and for sharing your insight. Re. “Sadly as a society, we’ve only become more Ill and dependent. And the next generation looks worse.” I am a great believer in plant-based organic remedies -- herbs, plants, roots, vines and fungi -- which were the norm before the emergence of the modern pharmaceutical industry. As much as I applaud innovation in medicine, I struggle to support a system that drives an overreliance on prescription or over-the-counter drugs, and causes many adverse reactions -- for which the patient or doctor demands new drugs.
I respect the medical profession, and many doctors work exhaustively to support their patients. At the same time, many have resigned themselves to Big Pharma drug prescriptions instead of finding the best preventative or treatment solution for their patients -- and that may or may not require pharmaceutical medicine. Furthermore, there is moral corruption in a system that provides financial bonuses for diagnosing patients with "COVID" or placing them on ventilators to perish. I believe We, the People need to support forming direct doctor-to-patient professional relationships on a local level.