Being 80 years old I have inside me the language of the past. Just as music has been downgraded so has language. What will the hearts and souls of the future have to build a life with if the language has been soaked in insanity? And I will withhold any further sarcasm about "the plan" that is underway.

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Thank you for sharing your deep insight and wisdom.

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I am seriously flattered and honoured by your kind words and sentiments that you think such a thing if you are being sincere and veracious. I myself, well what i know is that i beg the true Scriptural austere Jesus daily in prayer for His comprehension, discernment, knowledge and wisdom that i will not mislead anyone into the Lake of Fire and thus His love letter written to mankind in His blood [the Holy Bible] is the best book we have of course since it's from Him, is the only book in the world with inexhaustible understanding and wisdom, part of the spiritual riches one gains if they seek to truly humble themselves before Him and truly submit to Him living life such that any choice you make, you always seek to ask yourself 'what did the true Jesus of the Scriptures teach about what to do on this matter?' etc... Thank you DROA for you so kind and gracious and encouraging and warm support.

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There are plenty of survivors full of language - bursting with 'text rich' imagination - of all generations.

Forgive us for keeping our heads down right now.

I expect we will inherit the earth.

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That's great news! Hope begets hope!

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Please read my longer comment on this page, i think might agree more so than not and appreciate it. If i am wrong, let me know.

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"Few traits of totalitarian regimes are at the same time so confusing to the superficial observer and yet so characteristic of the whole intellectual climate as the complete perversion of language, the change of meaning of the words..."

F. A. Hayek, The Road to Serfdom

As if twisting our language to use as a weapon against us were not enough,

"...over $550,000 was granted to researchers at the University of Washington to develop artificial intelligence (AI) technologies to 'protect' online users from 'discriminatory' language and 'microaggressions.'”

This kind of thing is our rulers distributing Cantillon money to enrich their leftists cronies.

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Thank you for commenting and for sharing "F. A. Hayek, The Road to Serfdom."

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As a language-loving liberal, I agree wholeheartedly with your position. We should talk, argue, discuss our issues and offenses rather than worry about how our everyday idioms might offend. Limited speech leads to limited thinking, and that’s a crime.

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Thank you for your feedback. Much appreciated.

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Exactly 🤘🤘

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"If you're not going to offend somebody you don't need the First Amendment." - Larry Flynt

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Boom. Ditto any literature worth its name.

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She has stated, “The guide is for those who would like to replace mostly violently framed idioms with more positive and inclusive language.”

This sounds like it’s directly from the mouth of Mao. Terrifying.

I wrote about something somewhat similar, the Woke degradation of language: https://michaelmohr.substack.com/p/george-orwells-politics-and-the-english

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Thank you for commenting. I hear you loud and clear. Some of the best persuasive tactics involve coaxing someone into doing something they perceive as "my free choice." Thank you for sharing your article.

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Hello Mr. America! I just came over here to say thanks for supporting my perspectives for these last few months. I just found out that the Second Smartest Turd in America banned me for 100 years for my comment about Virus vs Toxins. I did not know you had a substack thingy, but I will follow you. Cheers!

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Thanks for the follow! Let us keep sharing articles that wake up as many friends and family as possible (because some are still snoozing.)

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Thanks for bringing this to light, Will be linking it today @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

I always find it odd that when they speak of diversity and inclusion, it usually means the exact opposite: we won't include your ideas such as patriotism, constitutionalism, gun rights, whiteness, etc. just our inclusive ideas. And they are only diverse if you think like them instead of being an indivual..

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I'm gratified that the cultural nazis' attempts to police the language have been a failure - so far. The problem they have is that they're trying to replace colorful expressions with blandness. People simply don't care to read (or write) garbage like "feeding two birds with one scone". A good stand-up comedian could cut most of their efforts to confetti - the jokes almost write themselves. While it's possible to nudge things here and there in the written language of social media and online publications, tackling spoken language is going to be much harder. Imagine the self-righteous twits trying to take on the urban Black vernacular.

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Thank you for commenting and sharing your insight!

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Harmful words mean HATE FILLED, not old sayings. Son of a Gun (What is the origin of the saying son of a gun? The phrase son of a gun originated from the phrase son of a military man. This was most commonly used because British Navy used to allow women to live on naval ships and because of this any child born on board who had uncertain paternity would be listed in the ship's log as a son of a gun.) this is no worse than Kiss me where the sun don’t shine, means kiss my butt. Or Kiss my Grits...thank you Flo for that one a more polite way to say F you. "Kiss my grits" was first uttered on TV by Alabama native Polly Holliday when she portrayed the sassy waitress Florence Jean "Flo" Castleberry usually directed toward her boss Mel. The show was funny.

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Thank you for commenting and for sharing insight regarding old, old sayings.

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Yes, this does smack of "1984"! Oops! Did I just use a violent word?

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Indeed, and Orwell understood that totalitarian regimes exercising social control through disinformation and surveillance always need perceived enemies.

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Indeed you did 🤣

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Great essay indeed. And there is the propaganda angle: https://frederickrsmith.substack.com/p/edward-bernays-and-propaganda

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Thank you very much for the compliment and for linking your article.

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Thank you kindly and a bunch for this article. I am one who is a word nerd, philologer, etymphile, part philologist, a custodian and purist of accurate, correct, ordered, precise, proper and sound intelligent English [thus a Rightist linguist in part] like Orwell was. I'm Italian [parents are from Italy] first generation in Canada. I'm formally and informally [even heuristically learned for many years] trained in Bible Hebrew, Greek, Latin, Canadian French, Standard Italian, some Spanish, and Portuguese, a touch of some others, in different strengths. I have been for many years now, speaking out audibly and on the net in text form, against this deliberate increasing onslaught to hijack and destroy that same ACOPPSI English since even Orwell told us how important it is to resist the powers that be and their hirelings, from seeking to hijack and then break, bulldoze, corrode, deform, dismember, debauch, decay, degenerate, erode, massacre, mutilate, pervert, poison, pollute, truncate, warp, vandalise and ultimately destroy that same ACOPPSI language in order to control thought. When you stated in your introduction;

"Although changing words and phrases are part of the evolutionary process of language, the most recent is a systematic steer towards avoiding "harm" and acknowledging individual sex (9 min read).:

Allow me to share something with you: one of the greatest falsehoods i firmly believe we are told by them [Them = T-he H-iearchy E-nthraling M-ankind] who seek to gain full control over us spiritually [mentally and emotionally] is that supposedly, words and phrases are part of the 'evolutionary' process of language. My laborious studies over the years show otherwise. Actually... as man becomes more spiritually degenerate and thus wilfully stupid [which God/Jesus teaches], the more the language follows in degradation.

"As societies grow decadent, the language grows decadent, too. Words are used to disguise, not to illuminate, action: You liberate a city by destroying it. Words are used to confuse, so that at election time people will solemnly vote against their own interests." — Gore Vidal, Imperial America, 2004

I also have been studying the NWO agenda since early 2001, also a factual history lover, factual operational science lover, and other slew of things that relate to why the world is in the condition it is today studying all those things and more from the optimus prime Bible perspective. So regarding English, in my own ever ongoing indagation, what i have discovered is that take for example the English language. English is roughly and mainly 70% Latin, Greek, then German, French, Scandinavian, Dutch, some Italian, Spanish. Portuguese and touch of some other Indo-European based languages and some shreds of some words imported into English from non-Indo-European. So what i have discovered is that English words kept their main meanings for so long since the days of Old English up until around the late 1800s. I thought this was interesting. When you start studying what happened in the late 1800s, you start finding that in one main way, the NWO "elite" - kings and queens - rulers and so forth, all of a sudden, there started to be a drip by drip more deliberate than not, subtle corruption of intelligent English. The rulers knew the power of words, and that as Philip K Dick stated;

"The basic tool for the manipulation of reality is the manipulation of words. If you can control the meaning of words, you can control the people who must use the words." - Philip K Dick.

So because i'm a nerd with studying how, what, when. why and who has been deliberately abusing, corrupting, misusing, and diluting intelligent English, for me anyway in my studies, what i have found is that this subtle corruption of how to correctly use words in their ACOPPSI meanings/etymology, began to pick up pace a little bit around the 1950s/1960s and on [as the NWO kings and rulers etc were able to more and more get more control over mass media etc] and it accelerated in the 1990s and on when the internet became commercialised and thus more popular and gave the spiritual children of Sodom and Gomorrah a much larger and widespread ability to promote their Antichrist Gospel..... now i have noticed that especially in the last almost twenty years roughly, intelligent English even more is being deliberately broken, confused, degraded, made inconsistent, ripped apart by the Left and their useful idiots and also the useful idiots on the Right who ever so foolishly capitulate to what i call LEFTSPEAK. You see, it's different than NEWSPEAK, since the purpose of newspeak is to continually shrink the language so that eventually there is such a small vocabulary, your mind won't even have the ability to even think intelligently nor deeply to commit any 'crime-think'. Leftspeak however, is not about shrinking, it *IS* about absolutely utterly upending and hijacking the language and destroying true meanings and usage of words to cause nothing but utmost confusion, delusion, illusion thus mal-conclusion, and thus chaos, by not shrinking the language, but to inflate and swell it up with nothing but linguistically poisonous and pollutive false/improper word formations, false meanings etc so basically no one even knows what people are communicating anymore.

It's truly a diabolic plan, i will NOT capitulate to this. I see clearly what is going on and like Orwell showed us in Nineteen Eighty-Four, we must do our best to remain in OLDSPEAK because THIS is how you truly fight against the the language hijackers and destroyers on this. By NOT agreeing, nor acquiescing, nor capitulating, nor complying, nor conforming, nor participating, nor yielding to communicate in their more than ever increasing assault on intelligent English and language in general AKA Leftspeak, you wound them greatly! Arguably paramount wounding! Why? because you are not going along with their now more than ever do-not-give-a-damn unrestrained hijacking and destruction of that ACOPPSI English. They WANT SO BADLY for us to use their [demonically inspired] poison-to-the -spirit/mind words that are inherently inspired by the Devil to cause mass confusion and delusion etcetera because when we do, they know it is evidence of SUBMISSION to them and thus VALIDATION of their power of us [them seeking to obtain this is actually validation of how mind-boggling full of devil spirits frothing at the mouth megalomaniacally possessed they are ultimately]. So by not using their LEFTSPEAK, they will come unglued/lose their mind in demonic rage because you are not giving in to their demon possessed lunacy! It's like sunlight to a vampire - a stake through the heart!

So i as a born again remnant believer, i implore you who read this far, if you truly are on the Right, you *will* seek to communicate in Rightspeak which is Truespeak / Wisespeak / Oldspeak / Biblespeak and *NOT* Leftspeak since the latter is for them who desire to speak the language of the kingdom of satan [confusion, delusion, illusion, darkness, anarchy, bedlam, carnage, malignancy, maleficently, deception, destruction, poison, pollution, subversion etc], while the former is for them who desire to speak the language of the Kingdom of God/Jesus [benevolence, beauty, truth, honour, justice, righteousness, compassion, humility, honour, peace, purity, innocence, gentleness, grace, graciousness, guilelessness, temperance, wisdom etc].

I leave you with this that i authored, i know some of it may be bluntly controversial but it's part of the hard truths that have been hidden from us;



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Thank you for taking the time to share your story. I acknowledge your strong viewpoints in https://cl1p.net/sexnotgender, some of which open an entirely different discussion. On a particular topic, the word "gender" gradually replaced "sex" as highlighted in this article: https://ckeeganan.substack.com/p/americans-changing-views-on-sex-and

Before the written arguments of radical feminists from the 1950s through the 1970s, the term “gender” was primarily used to draw distinctions between “masculine,” “feminine” and “neuter” nouns and pronouns in Latin-based languages. However, over time, the term “sex” became heavily associated with the act of having sexual intercourse (which made many people feel uncomfortable verbalizing) and therefore, “sex” gradually displaced its original meaning by the term “gender.”

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"Thank you for taking the time to share your story."

Thank you most kindly if you truly appreciate it.

"I acknowledge your strong viewpoints in https://cl1p.net/sexnotgender, some of which open an entirely different discussion."

Thanks you for acknowledging that link. It really helps provide more understanding as to why we are being beat with a cudgel by the Left figurately speaking as to why we are supposed to use 'gender' not 'sex'.

"On a particular topic, the word "gender" gradually replaced "sex" as highlighted in this article: https://ckeeganan.substack.com/p/americans-changing-views-on-sex-and"

Ok i will check that out, thank you. What i know why the word "gender" in very recent history is being accelerated in a forced way to replace "sex" i explain in the link that you acknowledge. By the way, does this article mention John Money? I ask, because it is attributed to him, in i think 1955 A.D. where he is the one who took the word 'gender' and began the rebellion of satan process of hijacking and so contorting, corrupting, distorting, perverting , twisting, warping and destructing of the way you are to accurately, correctly, orderly, precisely, properly and soundly use the word "gender." It was then in the 1990s in Far West nascent net-world that gave the feminists and sodomites and their ilk and masters the ability to disseminate this utter attack on intelligent English.

"Before the written arguments of radical feminists from the 1950s through the 1970s, the term “gender” was primarily used to draw distinctions between “masculine,” “feminine” and “neuter” nouns and pronouns in Latin-based languages."

Yes i know this - and your mention of between the 1950s and 1970s though, further helps me magnify the chronological time for this particular information we are communicating on so i thank you so kindly for that. As for the latter part "...the germ "gender" was primarily used to draw distinctions between "masculine," "feminine" and "neuter" etc..." yes i know this like i know i breathe air, since i'm Italian and you learn from the time you are able to talk as very young one, you learn these things and if you are older and learn Latin based languages and other ones that have the grammatical structure of using gender for words etc. That definition you gave is actually the third definition i gave in the SexNotGender link i provided. What i will honourably disagree with though, is that if you spent time outside of Canada and America etc, in a Latin nation of Europe or South America etc, this idea of using "gender" in the very corrupted way it is not being used outside of Canada and America unless it's Leftist Western MSM further forcing and imposing it, it is really not popular because such people's know it's the American Left who have severely hijacked and then corrupted, mutilated and perverted the accurate use of this term. So from what i know from experience on this, is that the term "gender" is *still* primarily used to draw distinctions between masculine, feminine, and neuter since it's the foundation of Indo-European language for they know *sex is physical and gender [in this case] is grammatical.*

"However, over time, the term “sex” became heavily associated with the act of having sexual intercourse (which made many people feel uncomfortable verbalizing)...."

Yes, but for the that 'over time', in my studies, it was from the 1990s and on in the Far West here - on the internet - that bait and switch Leftist sickening catachresis of "gender" and "sex" started to get promulgated much more because now the spiritual children of Sodom and Gomorrha were on this thing called 'the net' and now they could spiritually and linguistically poison the world with English form of Leftspeak, the language of the kingdom of satan. Also, what you stated here "...However, over time, the term "sex" became heavily associated with the act of having sexual intercourse (which made many people feel uncomfortable verbalizing) and therefore, "sex" gradually displaced its original meaning by the term "gender"" ... well for me i've learned from studying these things plentifully over the years is that this general explanation was invented by the Left, as yet another way to so subtly, sneakily, slyly, and serpentinely get us to learn, in the supposed name of 'equality' 'inclusivity' etc and all that other steaming hot equine ordure they claim, their hijacked and made to be upside-down inside-out inverted reversed language of confusion, delusion, illusion, rebellion and mal-conclusion - to justify their again hijacking and destruction of ACOPPSI language under the guise of being 'inclusive' etc - so that way they would ensure we would not communicate with them in a way that 'offended' and hurt them - which in a Nineteen Eighty-Four'ian way could be called 'offense-think' and 'hurt-think' as a shade of 'crime-think' and 'thought-crime' from Orwell's novel but applied to our particular factual reality not truly the N-EF world, which the gist of your article beautifully touches on and exposes in some introductory and deeper level ways. So for me, since i'm commanded by the true Scriptural austere Jesus the Christ not to communicate in Leftspeak, i do not use the word 'gender' unless i using it the factual and still and always true definitions it is to be used as which i provided in my link SexNotGender.

Lastly, i saw you found me on Alex Berenson's substack and you hearted so many of my comments and replies, how kind of you, i'm overly flattered, especially since you took the initiative too search for me on that substack and take the time God has given you to heart my comments. Never have i experienced that, so my utmost gratitude and Jesus love to you for your agreement, charity, encouragement, kindness and support.

By the way, isn't it interesting all how 'inter-course' actually means to have conversation not to engage in coitus? Leftists should be barred from influencing society if it were possible, for truly they are as God/Jesus teaches, destroyers of mankind more than the Right any day of the week. Selah.

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Thank you for your deep insight, it is much appreciated. I do note that the term "gender" has been corrupted in the Anglosphere. I hope other readers also take the time to consider your perspectives.

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"Thank you for your deep insight, it is much appreciated."

I truly appreciate YOUR kind thought/words, especially that you hope your other readers take the time to consider the perspective i put out there that i think we all should have if we do not want to contribute to the NWO agenda of the deliberate dim-witting/dulling down of the Far West, if they are genuine probity. You put it so well Madam or Sir, that the term "gender" has been corrupted in the *Anglosphere", to me they have utterly massacred it hence why i will *not* capitulate with any of this, for to me anyway if enough of us choose not to capitulate, to draw the line between not desiring at all to contribute to the degradation and decline of accurate proper etc intelligent English, in other words, choose what Orwell called "Oldspeak" [truespeak/straightspeak/wisespeak/Biblespeak etc] then it is a paramount way to solidify the resistance of this increasing nuclear war'esque attack on honest language. Here, take a look at this short video clip, i am noy endorsing any profanity in it [there is a touch of it] but tell me if you liked the video and any other criticism of it [it's sad that so many do not know the word 'criticism' is not a derogatory word.] because what the man has to say here... so.. so... true.;


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Why the answers here are ideas, logic and the living language which communicates these. They have been trying to steal our very language, thought and ideas for a very long time. Re-inhabiting these together in an interdependent cooperative way is the way to win over these dark forces.

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This is a well thought out article, rooted in common sense and backed by sound research. There is a point at which efforts to censor and revise language becomes absurd, and you point that out well here. Even progressives should agree with your stance, if they take the time to read with an open mind. It's not "uninformed right-wing extremism" by any means.

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Many thanks for your thoughtful feedback; it is much appreciated!

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The next step is criminal penalties for speech as in Washington state.


"Attorney General Bob Ferguson’s office could arrest or civilly commit conservatives for uttering mainstream positions under a terrifying and illegal plan to redefine domestic terrorism that punishes speech.

His office now claims some conservative views, or anything he deems as “misinformation,” are examples of “domestic extremism.” He even wants to create a Washington version of a Ministry of Truth to fund journalists to push his political agenda.

HB 1333 would create a left-wing Domestic Violent Extremism Commission in the AG’s office. The members are asked to recommend legislative “solutions to combat disinformation and misinformation, address early signs of radicalization, and develop a public health-style response.”

Based on the title and the public-facing press statements, Washingtonians may be fooled into thinking this is about violence or terrorism. It even has a built-in means of deflection: If you criticize the bill, bad-faith partisans like Ferguson and his enablers will accuse you of supporting white supremacy. Don’t let them fool you.

This commission is specifically designed to target conservatives and quash any government opposition, which is why the legislation purposefully ignores Antifa and Black Lives Matter (BLM) extremists. Indeed, it expressly supports those tactics. Snohomish County Councilmember Megan Dunn testified in support of the bill. She previously endorsed Molotov cocktail attacks as a “good reminder” to be civically engaged.

But who determines what is disinformation or misinformation? The lawmakers who told us the vaccine stops the spread of COVID? The ones who deemed the lab leak theory a conspiracy? The ones who claim there are 74 different genders that one can hold (or not hold) based on one’s feelings? Maybe it’ll be the ones who literally called the Hunter Biden laptop “Russian disinformation.” Simply questioning whether or not elections are as secure as they should be is considered misinformation.

The Left uses claims of disinformation or misinformation to smear opponents as extremists so that they won’t hold any influence over debates. Now they’ll be able to use their strategy to silence opposition by throwing them in jail or having them committed under a “public health approach.”

And what kind of “solutions” could they find? AG Ferguson has a plan.

The bill asks the commission to evaluate, “current legal tools, both civil and criminal, and making recommendations for potential new legislation and regulations to address violent domestic extremism.”

It’s not hard to see how this can be easily abused and result in civil liberty violations.

Ferguson is looking for creative ideas to criminally charge conservatives who protest government overreach. And if they don’t exist, he wants to draft them. Ironically, and tragically, he could arrest those who protest the legislature for adopting new laws inspired by the commission.

This is about targeting speech

Ferguson said he intends to target speech, not violence.

In an interview with PBS, which calls the legislation a potential “model for the nation,” Ferguson said the federal definition of domestic terrorism (or extremism) is “too narrow for the great threat that we see with the increase of radicalization, for example.” He is seeking legislative powers to intervene when he hears speech he disagrees with.

“So we’re trying to broaden that term to address things that are not specifically a threat to somebody, but where the state can take some action in prevention, for example, take a more holistic approach, a public health approach, to address what we all see and know is happening in communities all across the country,” he said.

Ferguson told PBS he could envision compelling “extremists” to enter counseling. If one believes there are only two genders, which is a fact, they could be counseled into thinking there are 74. And if you don’t fall in line, you could be civilly charged. And he’s hoping to have media support.

Buying off the media

Sahar Fathi, a radical left-wing activist and representative from the AG’s office, pitched the bill to a House committee. She said the stakeholders’ group that inspired the legislation hoped to fund journalists to fight disinformation and misinformation.

“We believe at the Attorney General’s Office, that in order to combat misinformation and disinformation, local journalism really does play an important part,” Fathi said. “And so this fellowship program would be based off of a program that was created in California that funded a number of fellowships with local journalism, media outlets for strengthening that reporting.”

In other words, they’ll fund journalists in order to do their bidding. But given the left-wing partisanship of most Seattle reporters, this doesn’t seem truly necessary. They push left-wing propaganda for free.

This is unconstitutional

Ferguson hopes to criminalize protected speech he doesn’t like. And if you get in his way, he’ll call you an extremist.

His approach is unquestionably unconstitutional. He’s hoping that a friendly Washington state Supreme Court will ultimately give him a pass. And given the commission has two years to complete its research, Ferguson is betting that liberals will control the U.S. Supreme Court when it ultimately gets in front of them.

Irredeemably left-wing voters will fall for this scam without realizing its dangers. Imagine if the power Ferguson craves was used by their political enemy. Democrats spent four years screeching about fascism under president Donald Trump. Supporting this legislation only confirms they truly don’t understand what the term means.

What Ferguson’s bill threatens are freedoms, and he’s younger, power-hungry, and smarter than Governor Jay Inslee. That makes him a political danger. Democrats are indicating this will pass. That means we’ll be Ferguson’s next victims.


Jason Rantz on AM 770 KTTH

listen to jason rantzTune in to AM 770 KTTH Yweekdays at

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Many thanks for commenting with deep insight, and thanks for the linked article.

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Thanks. Didn't mean to copy whole article but it did show the next step

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Can we call non-white Karens Oprah????????????????

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Your request is exactly what the article is arguing against. Sigh.

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Call them all that, or not

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