The Fed has been wrong 13 of the last 16 times they have tried to intervene in free markets... this will make 14 of 17.

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I agree; there is a good likelihood this will make 14 of 17.

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you always have good posts and good facts and quotes, impressive. thanks for your work.

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Thank you!

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It may not be that hard to make the analysis of the Repubs on the other side. What I have noticed over the decades is that regardless of who controls the white house and both chambers of congress the direction is always the same. Trump had both cambers and nothing changed in the direction.

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Very good point.

Members of the GOP reportedly betrayed Trump. That said, there was a degree of resistance toward societal degradation under Trump’s administration. For example, the prohibition of teaching Critical Race Theory in the Federal government and enforcing the requirement that taxpayer dollars do not support abortion coverage in Obamacare plans. In addition, illegal crossings reportedly fell by over 87 percent under Trump’s leadership.

But I agree—the general direction of America, even when the GOP is in charge, tends to be the same, albeit with a little more resistance towards conserving the America that the Founding Fathers intended.

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Aug 15, 2022Liked by Dear Rest Of America

The uniparty is destroying our economy with the illusion that it will not effect them and their cronies. They are sadly mistaken. If this does not stop it will end badly for all of us. Just wait until those recent immigrants get their citizenship, only to realize that they are almost 90K in debt, because of government spending.

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Aug 2, 2022Liked by Dear Rest Of America

This is an alleged example of the GOP engaging in "arson" in order to harm the Dems politically: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VwYfzjhgWvE.

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Thank you for sharing the clip.

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Jul 25, 2022·edited Jul 25, 2022Liked by Dear Rest Of America

One thing that I'm curious about is a comparative analysis of inflation; if we find that inflation is equally bad around the world then to what extent would that imply that there's no issue of any policy failure on the part of the Biden administration?

There's a horrifying phenomenon where people think that the current administration is responsible for every good and bad thing that happens; this is horrifying for many reasons...one reason that it's horrifying is that it means that there's a strong political incentive to burn the country down when your adversaries are in power, since people will then blame your adversaries and then you can then roar back into power on the basis of the wreckage and anger that you've brought about.

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Jul 26, 2022·edited Jul 26, 2022Author

Thank you for your comment. On average, the Republican Party's incentive is to conserve and protect America.

This idea of "burn the country down when your adversaries are in power" is the kind of language heard among a subset of members of the Democratic Party.



I would reason that subset of the GOP attempts to resist or reject certain policies that are otherwise made mandatory in Democrat-controlled states (as seen by the response to COVID-19). Still, as @DavidHuber pointed out, the general direction of the United States does not seem to change.

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Jul 26, 2022Liked by Dear Rest Of America

Also, what are the names of the two major political parties in America? You have the Republican Party and...? What is the second one called? What is the title of the second party?

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Thanks for spotting the typo.

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Jul 26, 2022Liked by Dear Rest Of America

Hah! Glad to see the correction; there are tons of people who keep misnaming the other party and it's a pet peeve of many people.

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Jul 26, 2022Liked by Dear Rest Of America

My questions were as follows:

1: To the extent that inflation is a global thing, how can you pin it on Biden administration policies?

2: To the extent that people pin everything bad that happens on the incumbent party, does that give you an easy path to power if you carry out "political arson" and harm the country as much as possible in order to roar back into power based on the wreckage and anger that you've induced?

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1: I would say that the Biden administration’s spending bills have accelerated the surge in consumer prices. Large spending bills have been mostly financed with debt, including the $1.9 trillion bailout for blue states and the $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill. These expenditures that exceed the budget have been mostly financed with more federal borrowing.

Moreover, according to the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, “Fiscal support measures designed to counteract the severity of the pandemic’s economic effect may have contributed to this divergence by raising inflation about 3 percentage points by the end of 2021.”


2: The perceived failures of the current party in the White House can be used to persuade a subset of disenfranchised voters to switch their political affiliation, and might help the opposing political party secure a win in the next election.

I believe that some national problems might be triggered by an organized entity that may be affiliated with a political party, but is not known to the masses because it is not discussed in the mainstream. Consequently, the problem caused requires an antidote, and that same organization will have the solution, thereby helping its affiliated political party gain power.

I, personally, don’t pin everything bad that happens on the current party in the White House and want America to thrive.

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Jul 26, 2022Liked by Dear Rest Of America

1: To what extent is the inflation problem global?

2: And to the extent that it is, how does that square with the notion that the Biden administration is to blame?

3: What about the McConnell strategy of inducing gridlock under Obama in order to deny him a "win"? The goal is to burn America to the ground as much as possible through inducing gridlock; this is a great recipe for roaring back into power, since you've denied your political adversaries anything that they can call a "win".

4: But this horrifyingly anti-America strategy only works if voters attribute the arson to the party in power and not to the actual arsonists; the actual arsonists in this strategy are the party that isn't in power and that wants to roar back into power.

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Jul 27, 2022·edited Jul 27, 2022Author

1: To what extent is the inflation problem global?

I believe that the response to COVID-19 has played a role in the inflation surge worldwide. Many European businesses subsidized payrolls during the 2020 shutdowns, and employees kept their jobs. Furthermore, changes in spending patterns might have pushed up inflation worldwide. The “flatten the curve of COVID-19” shutdowns may have tempted individuals to spend more on goods rather than services, which might have worsened the mismatch of supply and demand.

2: And to the extent that it is, how does that square with the notion that the Biden administration is to blame?

As per (1:) in the last reply, the Biden administration’s spending bills could have contributed to or worsened U.S. inflation, such as The American Rescue Plan ($1.9 trillion stimulus bill). Since 2021, the core inflation indicating the underlying long-term inflation has been significantly higher in the U.S. than in other first-world or developed nations.

3: What about the McConnell strategy of inducing gridlock under Obama in order to deny him a "win"? The goal is to burn America to the ground as much as possible through inducing gridlock; this is a great recipe for roaring back into power, since you've denied your political adversaries anything that they can call a "win".

McConnell once said that the Obama administration’s strategy was to convince people that “Congress can’t get anything done” and that they could benefit from the “appearance of gridlock.” Obama had been demanding that Congress pass the American Jobs Bill right away, despite members of his own party admitting in late 2011 that Democrats wouldn’t have the votes to get it through Congress. And indeed, before the 2014 midterm elections, McConnell did say that a Republican Congress would end gridlock in Washington by getting more bills to the Obama administration.

In my opinion, during Obama’s two terms, communication with the Republican party had stalled. I doubt McConnell and his Republican comrades have a goal to burn America to the ground. McConnell is part of the elite establishment in Washington D.C., and he would rather work with Democrats behind the scenes where opportunity permits.

4: But this horrifyingly anti-America strategy only works if voters attribute the arson to the party in power and not to the actual arsonists; the actual arsonists in this strategy are the party that isn't in power and that wants to roar back into power.

It’s a strategy rooted in the tactics of power grabbing that plays out in private businesses among some ambitious individuals who want to land a particular leadership position and resort to pouring ‘arson’ on their competitors. I, personally, would not use such a strategy.

I would hope that Republicans and Democrats are interested in opposing the reputation for gridlock and partisanship, but political polarization has heightened in recent years.

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Jul 27, 2022Liked by Dear Rest Of America

1: I wasn't asking about factors; rather, I was curious about the extent to which inflation is global. I'm not asking a loaded question; I haven't investigated this yet and I have no idea.

2: If we find that US inflation is only (say) 10% worse than other countries' inflation, then what would that imply in terms of how inflationary Biden admin policies have been? That's what I'm trying to ascertain; presumably you can find inflationary stuff from the Biden admin, but it's an issue of comparative global analysis regarding how much worse US inflation is relative to other countries' inflation...if there's not much daylight on that front then there's not much to blame the Biden admin for. So this requires analysis; if US inflation is way worse then there's lots to blame the Biden admin for, whereas if US inflation is (e.g.) 5% worse than other countries then it's hard to see why the Biden admin is so bad. Or maybe you can identify the same inflationary policies around the world...I guess that you could condemn all sorts of countries for inducing inflation, but I guess that you'd need to demonstrate that the same inflationary policies are being pursued in a whole array of different countries.

3: On the whole "political arson" strategy, I'm not really making a controversial point; I'm just saying that it's tragic that voters attribute everything under the sun to the incumbent party. This phenomenon of hyperattribution means that there is every conceivable political incentive in the world to hurt America; your incumbent opponents will shoulder the blame every time and then you can reassume power on the basis of the harm you've done to the country.

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the direction basically does not change. The cabal or deep state is the director of this worldwide theater, and their goal is to destroy, and they will also destroy and eat their own.

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