Jan 17, 2023Liked by Dear Rest Of America

Imagine a world where you’re locked out of the banks because of your online comments, your car is shut down by Elon for arbitrary reasons and your electric smart stove is shut down for wrong think? This is the way we are headed. Theodore Kaczynski was right. Julius Evola was right

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Indeed, this is the way we are headed if we collectively allow it. Thank you for commenting!

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Jan 17, 2023Liked by Dear Rest Of America

Hybrid is the way to go for now, the technology just isn't there for all electric. It may never be.

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I’m not even sure hybrid is the way to go either. Where I live they’ve shut down 3 power plants because they couldn’t/wouldn’t meet EPA requirements. This killed 3 little country towns who were dependent. One arm of the government is mandating one thing, while another is making it impossible to implement and destroying lives of hundreds of “regular” people.

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Jan 17, 2023Liked by Dear Rest Of America

All by design, sadly so.

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Jan 17, 2023·edited Jan 17, 2023Liked by Dear Rest Of America

Bert... You are 1000% right! BTW "Diesel" locomotives are hybrids, using an internal combustion engine to generate electricity to power their wheels! Proof of concept for sure...

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Jan 17, 2023Liked by Dear Rest Of America

My inlaws have had great success and mileage with their hybrid. Going all electric will hurt automakers in the future. Toyota said it will not commit to all electric, smart move in my opinion.

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Jan 17, 2023Liked by Dear Rest Of America

Excellent Piece Cameron !

Thank You.

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You're welcome.

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Jan 17, 2023·edited Jan 17, 2023Liked by Dear Rest Of America

Absolutely spot on with your conclusion.

Batteries. The one in our gas engine car with a year guarantee failed about a month ago when it was -21. Had to bring it in the house, warm it up, charge it, then get up the road for a free replacement. The grid is 50? years old. No possible way without extreme updating and capacity increase is the EV thing going to work. Or maybe that's the plan? In Washington where we live, "king inslee" is decreeing electric vehicles with NO PLANS of putting in charging stations!

My thoughts are they are using "the shiny ball theory" on us. Hit you with so much at one time you can't follow it all and little by little, they accomplish their evil agenda.

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You are right... in February 2021 our power was on and off for 8 days here in Texas. Sure was glad to have an ICE car to charge my phone and get news, email and texts.

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Many thanks for your insight!

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Jan 17, 2023·edited Jan 17, 2023Liked by Dear Rest Of America

After my last comment below about hybrid locomotives... I just saw this 2 minutes ago! New hybrid Corvette to hit the road!


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Well Done! My next pickup will have a gasoline engine!

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Yes, likewise! Thank you for commenting!

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Well done! M

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Jan 17, 2023Liked by Dear Rest Of America

"With policymakers trying to steer motorists toward zero-emissions vehicles,..."



I know you realize this already, but "zero-emissions," is legerdemain, in that the electricity to re-charge the battery, may derive from coal-burning.

Perhaps [they] may argue that the electric company's smokestacks have better filtration systems, than car exhaust systems.


It doesn't make sense, when one does a full evaluation of the entire system-of-things.

Just a thought.

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Thank you for your thoughts. Yes, I am using the term "zero-emissions" to connect with the news provided by mainstream media outlets. I hear you. Perhaps next time, I will use the word in quotations.

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Jan 17, 2023Liked by Dear Rest Of America

"As you know, there’s never enough time to develop a vaccine against a viral infection with an average 98.2 percent U.S. patient survival rate because people are not dropping dead like flies, but we need to rush the vaccine at warp speed, bypassing animal tests and the typical 5 to 10-year development period, which might trigger adverse reactions and unnecessary human suffering."


Are You being ironic ?

Or is it Iconoclastic ?

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Jan 17, 2023Liked by Dear Rest Of America

"Hey hey, my my

Rock & roll can never die

There's more to the picture..."

"You pay for this,

But they give you that."

~ Mr. Young


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Most likely ironic ;).

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Jan 17, 2023Liked by Dear Rest Of America

"Autopilot integrated into thousands of vehicles driven on a busy highway;


or a rushed vaccine inoculated into millions of people."



The This 'n That.



The Synapse...

The Space Between !

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