Nov 15, 2022Liked by Dear Rest Of America

Another way to launder money to the drug companies and promote fear at the same time. Excellent post.

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Thank you!

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Nov 15, 2022Liked by Dear Rest Of America

You are welcome, great job of following the money.

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I hope Pfizer bring out some EXPERIMENTAL anti-radiation sickness injections for us all to avoid, because they are not covered with any LIABILITY FOR DEATHS CAUSED by their 'CURES'?

LIABILITY must be reintroduced for Vax makers = COMMON SENSE. Then this farce will end suddenly, Pfizer will be BANKRUPT and life will get back to normal!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed top live longer.

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Great finding!

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Thank you!

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I wish I dared to cross-publish stuff like this, but that would only raise a red flag and we would be shut down quite quickly...

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Nov 15, 2022·edited Nov 15, 2022Author

Indeed. I want to stay hopeful that the leadership of Substack appreciates the platform’s wide range of writers. But you won’t see my writing published on Twitter or Facebook any time soon.

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It still seems relatively safe to place links in each other's comments and, when applicable, in our articles. Of course, eventually, all windows and dorrs will be locked. Time is running out...

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All the good reason to share directly with friends and family.

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I thank YOU! :)

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Get rid of all the politicians and half the medical profession especially those who are in cahoots with the media to jump at the beck and call of the politicians who never read or consider that the very people they think are “misinformation” or to be “cancelled” are exact ones it might behoove them to listen to. Such a sad, sad and more sad approach they continue to follow.

The recent midterms will show the continuing idiocy of political and big Pharma collusion and ignorance.

At least maybe a change of the perpetrators might have given new ideas or a different sound.

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Thank you for commenting. I hear you loud and clear.

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Great essay. Another government head fake!

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Thank you!

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Once the CIA blows the Kakhovka Dam and blames it on Russia, we will quickly escalate the war.

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"for the children"

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Nov 15, 2022Liked by Dear Rest Of America

I had never considered connecting the Nplate drug with treating adverse reactions resulting from the COVID shots. It is difficult to trust any government 'expert' nowadays. I live in NYC and folks are on guard due to rising crime, but this 'preparedness' video is making me think twice. Thanks for the great post.

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You are welcome.

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Some things never change, just get worse.....

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Human nature does not seem to change. Hopefully, the more people read and share our posts, the more they will develop their awareness of Big Pharma to make better-informed decisions about their health.

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