This is a publishable work. I am really loved your article And I want to say to you, Heavy-handed security approaches not only increase the risk of violent extremist activity, they also undermine community resilience factors and relationships.

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Agreed, to the extent that any "domestic extremist activity" is genuine and not actually concocted by government intelligence agencies. I've always viewed these official warnings as priming the mind for the acceptance of the narrative they wish to promote. We live in a world where 95% of mass shootings are completely staged.

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The Electronic Townhall

The most important issue is:

We must preserve the concept that man is created in the image of God, that we are human beings, not animals in a pen.

Citizenship is not about writing letters to elected officials or voting some good person into office who will do the right thing.

Citizenship is about the Ratification or Annulment of each line of every law, rule and regulation on the books or that is on the docket waiting to be turned into law and taxes.

That is what Citizenship is about.

During the 1992 Presidential campaign, Ross Perot made this observation: "a general lack of accountability among elected officials and those in the bureaucracy is the one specific reason that the people in America suffered…. and the only way to hold them accountable is to inspect their work."

Now, it is a known fact that the members of the US Congress and the State Legislatures do not have enough time to read or debate the particulars contained in any of the typically 100 new laws (200 thousand pages) they vote on each day while in session.

And since the duly elected are incapable of evaluating 200 thousand pages of law speak per day they have forfeited their delegated right to represent us.

So, the only way to prevent these over worked and fallible people from making some more tragic mistakes from which we might never recover is to include ourselves, The Citizens, from whom the authority for government comes in the first place, in the decision making process.

How it works:

1. Before a new law, tax, or expenditure can be put on the books it must first be Ratified by the Citizens.

2. Existing laws can be Annulled by the same super majority required to Ratify them.

Ross Perot went on to note that this can easily be done with computers and he called the program: THE ELECTRONIC TOWNHALL, and said, "it is only logical that it will become our Fourth Branch of Government".

This program can be applied to every branch of government and will solve every problem we have at every level.

To prevent chaos, the basic law, our Constitution and Bill of Rights, would be exempt from review.

Mr. Perot speculated that the Founding Fathers would probably have done the same had the technology been available in their day.

If our government truly is of the people, by the people and for the people then this is the only way forward.

How to implement it:

We talk about it until it is done.

We can acquire the text of a recent law and have AI parse its actionable elements, apply a questionnaire that the concerned Citizens can Ratify or Annul. Then distribute the link to the results.

When Human Beings made in the image of God can see the result of their noblest and most sober thoughts, at such a scale, then there will be the moment where Our Benevolence and Good Will shall overcome Evil and then we all live happily ever after.

The Electronic Townhall

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Thank you for taking the time to comment and share your insight!

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Once upon a time, I read an article which is very similar to your article. Where I read A paradox has emerged, where emphasis on winning the hearts and minds of target populations has collided with the dominance of hard military and security approaches to countering violent extremism.

Thanks, Good work.

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I'm a big fan and just signed up. I'm a journalist and our paths have crossed. I'm on substack too with my unique view about power, money, tech, and crime in America I really liked your writing. Thank you very much.

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That's awesome. Thank you!

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Your SS sounds intriguing

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Leftist violence or political takeover is enabled by the system while anyone who defends themselves or opposes the left is labeled as extremist or racist.

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Sad but true 🙄

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Good to see you back, Dear Rest Of America! Was a huge fan of your article... and I think this format will do you (and your readers) just fine. Thank you!

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Mayflower stock here with a white bread background. You've reinforced my goal of helping

to meld our country. None of us should list our favorite subject as Me. . .or Mine. I'm getting there.

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Thank you for commenting, it means a lot.

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You don’t have a white bread background and that’s the sort of thinking that helped pave the road to our current hell.

You come from people with a specific ethnicity and cultural heritage that’s extremely rich and flavorful. How did you forget that?

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Your comment is meaningful. I've just read it again.

Apologies for the slang.

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Appreciate your attention.

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The two are synonmous.

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Another wonderful work. So much here to process. Agree education, real education, not warehousing is the fundamental lynchpin. There is so much to education than what most people imagine. I once taught a formidable group of adults preparation for parenting. I learned a great deal from them.

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Thank you for the compliment, and thank you for sharing your insight.

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All parents should be required to take parenting classes. Half kidding 😳

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A most interesting essay, Cameron. My grandfather came to America from Bohemia. Grandma came here from Poland via Bohemia.

My son married a Polish woman who wanted to be a concert pianist but instead got a law degree.

Her two brothers also received university degrees, and the eldest brother went on to medical school.

Her mother held an advanced degree in chemistry and worked on Long Island as the head of a county's water purification plant. Pa was a master mechanic who operated a small repair shop for several brands of upscale European cars.

There are times when I ponder my achievements as a veteran, turned newspaper reporter and editor, followed by a 25 year stint as an entrepreneur whose company provided maritime navigation software to the military and commercial high seas ships.

My immigrant in-laws seems to have become more American than me in terms of hard work, love of family, and finally love of their new country. All five of my in-laws were proud to became naturalized citizens.

When I finally sold my company in 2006, my wife and I decided to move to north central Florida.

We both were concerned by the "us" versus "them" tensions that were developing and wanted to avoid large cities and narrow minded people.

But my wife constantly uses her medical training to brand me as border-line narrow minded. But then, I don't mind. Selective hearing is a most useful thing when you approach your 80th year 😏.

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Thank you for sharing your story, it is both educational and inspirational.

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Hey--when you’re 80 you get breaks 🙌

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This wokism is nothing more than another way to divide us. Stay strong and be who we are with no apologies. Continue to live our lives as we always have and always will, regardless of their propaganda and hatred of our freedoms.

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Amen to that.

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Yep. Wokeism on one side and right-wing extremism on the other. Neither are sane.

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What is right wing extremism?

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Great article. Thank you. I agree whole-heartedly with the importance of "assimilation through the guiding principles." Watching Canada over the past two years really highlights how unique the U.S. is and how fragile freedom really is.

Ron Paul House Floor Speech 2007: In the Name of Patriotism (Who are the Patriots?)


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Yes, agree with every word you’ve written. Well said! Although I’m an Australian, I can relate entirely. I’m a white male, over 40 years of age and harbour certain views which may be regarded by many in my country, as being a little too.. let’s say.. ‘conservative’ in nature. Therefore, by proxy... I represent the views of the scum of the earth! Obviously, it should not be like this. All points of view should be equally and duly considered, regardless of one’s complexion, ethnicity, age, religiosity or political leanings. All that should matter, is that the viewpoint put forth, is in the overall interest of the betterment of social cohesion. And unfortunately… that’s where the trouble starts!

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Well said. I always go back to Thomas Paine who said the "American" Cause was for all human beings. I deeply believe that.

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This is a fantastic article! Thank you so much for writing such an informative article.

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Looking forward to reading and understanding this Domestic Extremism. I read this morning that Psychologists are using their expertise in human behavior to identify ways to deradicalize and disengage domestic extremists. How much do you know about this? Thanks.

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Hi, I’ve worked young people across different age groups. I believe that teaching solidarity among fellow Americans, patriotism and a shared national identity is important towards diffusing the tension that currently exists among certain groups.

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Check out my ex nazi client Christian Picciolini

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Thank you! I appreciate your insight throughout the comments section.

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Great post. I love the quality of the stuff I read on Substack. I also like how I find stacks like yours. It feels old fashioned. It looks like this: “Sure I know a guy who is a thinker… check it out, you’ll like it.” That is way better than algorithms and ads.

Reading “the Antidote” some ten months after it was published, I came away asking myself. “When did I miss the memo?” Using caps for White (and even Black for that matter) never occurred to me. So I did a quick search and realized why by reading an Atlantic article published in June 2020 https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/06/time-to-capitalize-blackand-white/613159/

Now I know why, but I still don’t get it and think it is just one more way to politicize our common language. But, alas, we needed one more thing to argue over.

Whether you choose to cap or not, I hope you will not be offended by me… I’m cap fluid.


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Thank you for your feedback; it is much appreciated.

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Would you consider subscribing for free to Repubblica as a fellow Conservative

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