Everyone knows that John Brennan is a liar in the same league as Goebbels. The USA is pressing the conflict in Ukraine with no concern for the lives lost or for the discomfort, cost, and loss of lives in the EU.

Unexpectedly, the USA (under the leadership of Susan Rice, Ron Klain, and Victoria Nuland) has intensified the conflict for the goal of world leadership.

Joe Biden can be compared to Mortimer Snerd: he is pulled out of his box whenever the WOKE desire & his pronouncements are always nonsensical and sexist (typically implying a desire to assault underage women).

Vladimir Putin is growing in strength daily and he may, ironically, be the savior of traditional conservative Christianity in the 21st Century.

His actions, which can be easily compared to those of General William Tecumseh Sherman, will save the planet from the growing menace of fascism based in Washington, DC.

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Females under the age of 18 in the US are not women, they are girls.

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When my mother was in her forties, she referred to her adult friends as girls. I was attempting to avoid confusion. I guess I was unsuccessful.. I suppose I could have used the word "children", but that would have confused other Substackers.

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This type of confusion is the agenda of the leftists and their ever-changing nomenclature.

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I find myself reeling in this kaleidoscopic world. And, by the way your first comment was correct and I erred in referring to "underage women".

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Thank you. Underage women is a contradiction in terms, but calling forty-year-old women "girls" is politically incorrect only depending on the circumstances and who says it. Maybe if they get over as a certain age women can be called girls again, especially by other women, as in The Golden Girls.

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I can't help but feel a large part of this Kabuki play is blackmail money to Zelensky, who undoubtedly has all the dirt on Biden, Rice, Nuland and all the rest. Especially after I saw his list of money demands which Tucker Carlson mocked as his Christmas wish list.

The United States is rapidly depleting our missiles, bombs, etc., and defense contractors have already said it will be hard if not impossible to replenish them. Part of the plan to cripple our military along with "wokeness"?

Biden and crew think it's good we'll be supplying LNG while he is hellbent on closing down leases of federal land? So when, if he has not already started, to run down the National Natural Gas Reserves like he already depleted the oil reserve to 1980's levels

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Thank you for commenting. That is a fascinating perspective I will consider further exploring.

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well balanced article ,, nicely researched. Really in the end all of this is just theater, no really good guys, just lots of bad guys doing their part to foment death and destruction, all the while making tremendous amounts of money. What appears in the media as foes, are just actors playing their part, nothing else. The audience is getting killed.

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Society seems like it is rigged by the banks

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definitely rigged by the big money people, they own controlling interest's in everything, including politicians, judges, and the high level directors of NSA CIA FBI, etc. has been that way for years. back in 1974 when I worked for NSA I was told by another NSA spook that Trilateral controlled NSA, and sure enough for 50 years or more, trilateral members have been the directors of every major US intelligence agency, no breaks in that line of succession. the other spook was showing me a falsified report that was going to the US Senate Armed Forces Appropriation Committee, it was about intel that we had both gathered on "special missions" as they were called back then. Our intel said that Soviet missiles were horribly inaccurate and we concluded that the safest place to be was the target of those missiles. Yet the report stated that the missiles were very accurate and dangerous. Why? because it made more money flow to the defense contractors which were owned by the ultra rich. We the people were robbed and it is still going on.

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I know msm doesn't tell people anything useful but Nord 1&2 is a huge deal. No one seems to be at all concerned about the methane. Or the potential for a nuclear war over who did it. The greenies must either not know or have been told it isn't a problem. I don't think they take science classes though. The whole thing is really weird. No one has lost their temper and bombed anyone else...yet. Due to the sheer number of satellites, everyone probably knows who did it. Especially if it's geosynchronous with the area.

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I have been wonder why we only see one picture of the leak

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