Mar 26Liked by Dear Rest Of America

Will digital currency decrease bribery? How will the corrupt be able to get their payoffs?

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Mar 26Liked by Dear Rest Of America

Thank-you for this deeply thought -out post addressing some rising issues people must quickly determine the best way to oppose STRONGLY to remain free.

An Interview with Maria Zeee and G. Edward Griffin of 'The Creature from Jekyll Island' addressed this topic overall for an 1 1/2 hours three days ago. This is basically a 'Communitarian Law' matter which is of 'Communism/Socialism/Nazism' and all the other 'ism's' bound together under Totalitarianism/Authoritarianism WHICH IS NOW THE GOVT. OF THE U.N. DEVELOPED BY THE CITY OF LONDON'S CENTRAL BANKER FAMILY CARTEL and others have followed the money to The Crown Corporation being involved at the epitome of this Hierarchy of Evil as well...What was once 'The Venetian Black Nobility' known by other names into antiquity and prehistorical times.


Mr. Griffin has another small book out which can be downloaded through his Website called 'The Chasm' discussing this same topic. It's only a portion of the larger book; but he thought it helpful for people to read at this time in history and released this portion. I read it in a few hours and it's chocked full of information, analysis, 'HIDDEN HISTORY' and orients people into topics the Corporate Information Vault won't allow out into the public forum.


When we speak about Medical I.D.; it's important to understand WE ALL HAVE A DIGITWIN IN THE CLOUDE. Our frequencies and physiological portrait are already collected and stored...We can be controlled via SynBio easily placed within the environment for us to breath in which can be activated through 5G, and Electronics as Laptops and Cell Phones...OR, Smart T.V's, Alexis, etc. Here is a Link to Serina of the U.S. Military, MIT, and survivor of DARPA's N2 Program conducted by western Military-Industrial Complex. She's quite brilliant and a survivor if a bit brash.


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Thanks fer layin' it all out--Nebraska's on the road ta ruin'in all privvy-see an' I worry that other states'll follow suit b/c frankly I object ta the whole kit 'n kaboodle--local too... 100%

A few cringe-worthy examples...

NYSeize hadda supposedly secure "central" database fer stoo-dents... this includes homeschoolers too (due ta havin' ta submit paperwork too ta the DOE / Dept of Ed). So this supposedly secure local database (InBloom) was designed by Microsoft an' somehow connected ta Bloomberg (the nooze service) too an' all parties had access to every kid's "password-secure" data file -- an' then "magically" third party vendors had access too (imagine!) in spite of the written limits / opt outs (only partial allowed tho') an' prohibition against commercial use.

Nevertheless-- kids / families were gettin' targeted advertisin' ! (for everythin' from SAT grade-booster / tutorin' services ta pharma ads fer the special needs kids and/or the ED (emotionally disturbed ones) an' more b/c EVERYTHIN' wuz in them wreck-curds--from grades, ta reports, ta addresses, an' personal info (such as suspensions, etc). Lawsuits ensued (in-sued!) with the parents winnin'--the parent coalition (I wuz part've of this whole mess as a homeschoolin' mama) wuz led by an amazin' lady named Leonie Haimson... Were it not for her (who had already mobilized a movement against public skools havin' bloated class sizes)--the entire fight-back wouldn't a happened.

LATER the same dang thing happened again--with "Illuminate" an' also with the "College Board" in NY--now each of these "secure" (Ha!) databases were supposed ta protect the kids fully--but ultimately they did not--data-releases / data sharin' wuz the norm--an' all these "bespoke services" on the taxpayer dime were ultimately dumped with lots lawsuits leveled by parents. We recently left NYShitty so not sure whar they are now with that mess--but for nearly a decade their city databases have FAILED miserably exposin' all manner of student private info ta commercial enterprises.

Also, students have ta submit medical forms / jab forms even tho' now there are no exemptions--homeschoolers too if they wanted to borrow microscopes or use the pool (etc) at their local skools. Guess who got ALL that data?...

Kids who had a DX or disability may not want future employers ta know that but the hog got outta the gate--try retractin' it now.... it's out there in the ether!

Funny story--the NYC DOE used ta keep ALL student data in paper file boxes (ah, those were the days!)--all filed neatly, alphabetically an' then "supposedly" kept for just 5 years post graduation (just in case) an' then shredded... That wuz the plan at least.... SO the geniuses in charge--when student accounts went diggy-tale--put those dang boxes OUT ON THE STREETS ta be picked up--unshredded! at curbside! Some human (not sure who) found 'em an' it got in the nooz, that's how we parents found out. A'nuther scandal. I don't 'member the deets but the boxes were supposed ta be warehoused in Joisey. The DOE didn't wanna pay storage...or pro-shreddin' fees. I went ta look it up and found it happened TWICE--once before all the way back in 2004! (https://www.nytimes.com/2004/11/16/education/klein-apologizes-after-student-records-are-left-on-street.html )

I'm still "all for" paper files--it's quick! My gramps wuz a dentist without a receptionist so I knew the routine. The files are "pulled" the night before an' neatly stacked in order've appt. time, all notes kept in one place, all records. Never mistook one patient fer a'nuther... For the paranoid, there are fireproof file cabinets likely covered as office overhead--or bonded places old records kin be stored... worked for I dunno, at least a few centuries!

IMO the digital "wreck-hurd keepin' " systems (fergittin' the CBDCs even...an' social crud-it) create a problem an' then try ta solve it by hirin' all manner 've security "experts" ta stop up the leaks. I say jus' like voter ID, go back ta paper!

AFTERTHOUGHT the other risk not addressed is puttin' "lies" or wrong medical "opinions" in a wreck-erd that then gets spread around b/c of all who have access to it. True story! I have a dear friend this happened to--After an ugly d-i-v-o-r-c-e she saw a shrink who told her she should take valium to reduce her stress an' other gobbledygook. My friend wuz HORRIFIED an' did not git that 'script filled an' never saw that shrinker-man again. But the recommendation an' the wreck-hurd STUCK (the script record made no mention of the divorce either--just the MEDS an' the "expert opinion"). Fast forward a decade or more--durin' "CovidCon" she got sick an' went to a specialist who disbelieved her "symptoms" (later a lung xray by an'other MD proved her right--whatever she'd "caught")--but since that initial consult office was in the loop, dang'it if that MD didn't pull up the database an' saw (ostensibly) my friend was SUPPOSED TO BE takin' valium for mental stress an' yadayada. So they asked her if she wuz takin' "her valium" an' she said NO (never did) an' he not only dismissed her as a "kook" (in some medi-cull mumbo jumbo) but wrote up she wuz "difficult" an' "non-compliant" an' "not takin' her meds" an' had a "made up condition" and was psychologically unstable as proven by "records datin' back over a decade" demonstratin' this condition... Long story short--she had ta hire a lawyer ta get the record of the valium expunged--as the "emDee" would not budge. Cost a bundle too but she was worried! Not sure whut affected her lungs (in NYShitty they spread stuff on the subways so who knows...) but as I said, it showed up later on xrays so the lung damage wuzn't in her head--but she almost lost it seein' how that old diggy-tale wreck-hurd came up like a bad penny!

Sorry this is soooooo long but given my " 'speer-e-ants" with these systems, I'd the entire idear is one "hot mess!"

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Mar 31Liked by Dear Rest Of America

Great article on an important topic! Well written and researched.

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Mar 27Liked by Dear Rest Of America

Absolutely disheartening that humanity has now been reduced to the voices of the people who don’t recognize that they are duped by an organization that want to control us without remorse, with deceit and with the depopulation agenda as their format. Given that reality that they are blind to and are in the dark about the monsters hopeful we are all eliminated from the earth as we are fed poisons through the term of “saving” humanity from diseases they unwittingly engineer to murder us using the cover of the United Nations and World Health Organization and these cretins who are their voices to the public.

The numbskulls speaking in various cultural accents are innocuous enough to reach the trusting populations they represent who will assemble as told by the masters of deceit, and in the proper way and jump into the cattle cars designed to transport them to their grave be it through injection, fire or drowning. They have No clue as to the real desire of monsters to murder three quarters of the earth population.

Maybe it’s just their turn to go to hell in a handbasket.

But as for we who desire to NOT COMPLY we will survive and thrive knowing in our hearts and minds the TRUTH WILL PREVAIL because God the creator of all does not wish to have His world run by Satan and Satans disciples.

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Mar 26·edited Mar 26Liked by Dear Rest Of America

Seems no one does. When I changed Primaries I forgot my Reaction list, he pulled it up right away, including the Specialist, and meds, so why are we still filling out forms they Never read? We are turning into Great Britan.

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Mar 26·edited Mar 26Liked by Dear Rest Of America

The digitization of all of our health and medical records was definitely the end of obtain copies of medical records. For the healthcare I have had over the last twenty years it has been almost impossible for me to get paper records, even for portal computerized records, especially for things like operative reports and reports for major kinds of diagnostic tests.

It is not right and it is not good. In this regard, things became much worse since the PLANdemic began in early 2000. That is also when skilled experienced workers in offices and medical employment became high turnover and unhappy people replaced with under-supplied and increasingly unqualified healthcare workforce. I just found out my primary care provider doctor is moving out of the country. I will find it difficult to find a new PCP.

One thing that made this issue much worse was the Real ID Act that the USA federal government began pushing back around the year 2005. I belong d to a group locally that lobbied the state legislature to not adopt that law for my state. Many of us were waking up at that time to what that would mean for our lives. My state legislators could have voted it down for my state but they all, democrats and republicans, sneaked it through even though were quite a few patriot internet shows demonstrating quite a bit of opposition from several quarters.

Now, if you do not want to become part of an international database, and probably having to have a digital medical password of some kind, you have to not sign up for a renewed driver's license or official state ID with photo, you have to just let your drivers license expire but use it as your photo ID. I think you can vote by having some records of utility bills and some indications you have been living in your locality for a year or so without a photo ID. I think that will work if you have been a regular voter with an active voter registration card.

We need some kind of "breakthrough" to get the dominoes to start falling down on the massive federal and state corruption of all segments of our government and society. I am praying for that. We cannot ignore or pretend the many false flag accounts on USA soil, nor can we ignore the USA's diabolical long-term evildoing as far as wars and military actions and allowing en masse illegal immigration into the USA, which is just another kind of false flag attack on the nation. And don't even get me started on the PLANdemic which I call "The One World Death and Slavery System for All." Both parties people are owned by globalist entities.

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There are so many attempts right now to violate our Constitutionally enumerated rights. Thank for illustrating this one.

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Mar 26Liked by Dear Rest Of America


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That is AN IMPORTANT POST: and as exhausted as I am right now. THE KEY POINT IS the THE SO CALLED sharing OF HEALTH INFORMATION was addressed BY and READ THIS AND UNDERSTAND IT: HIPAA COMPLIANCE which all medical providers from the smallest office to the biggest HOSPITAL must adhere to as well as PATIENT ADVOCACY.

Just DROP THOSE WORDS.. Oh that doesn't sound very HIPAA COMPLIANT.. and then there is the JCOA.. which inspects hospitals. YEP. Those HEALTH CARE CARDS about COVID and as well as data on the CLOUD.. and the issue w/ Pharmacies which ONLY ACCEPT "electronic transmission" (which means anyone can hack it or find).. is ILLEGAL. more than later and I will post this to X... so I am marking it. Great post I am very very tired: dealing w/ closure of the passing of life friends last year from the VAX. yeah. Working on Holy time. Isabell

Addressing identity theft and imposter scams

According to a February report from the Federal Trade Commission, American consumers lost a record $10 billion to fraud, including impostor scams, and filed over a million reports of identity theft last year.

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Mar 26Liked by Dear Rest Of America

Another boondoggle government plan with bureaucrats (Deep State) way to control and enforce their policies and strip our rights and privacy. Anything tied to CISA is not for our good, but for their power to enforce. NO NO NO

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Mar 26Liked by Dear Rest Of America

Good article, will be linking it tomorrow @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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Mar 26Liked by Dear Rest Of America

Oh brother, here we go. As you have astutely pointed out, all this "centralized" and "digital" data is absolutely ripe for the government and hackers to do whatever they want with it. And now, add "AI" to the mix and we have concocted a most volatile cocktail to allow those with power to with our information as they desire. No thanks. More technology simply means less control for you and me when it is in the wrong hands, but hey, what could possibly go wrong?

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Mar 26Liked by Dear Rest Of America

Powerful & informative article - thank you DRofA & GOD bless ...

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When they frame something as being 'for your own good', Beware! There's your sign.

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