Yes--it's "natural evolution" if you're Dr Frankenstein or Mengele.

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Totally agree.

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We are slowly identifying who the goats are and are aware of sheep following the evil shepherd--living in denial. Every day when I arise the question arises: what are you going to do about it, R? Keeping lines of communication open with those who are aware is one action that we must embrace. Substack is an excellent place to hold court! Glad to have met you. pax [btw--my latest post:https://rikitikitavi.substack.com/p/more-money-laundering-and-spin-cycles]

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For sure. I also ask myself that same question (what are you going to do about it?)

Thanks for the link to your post; I will check it out.

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"Global Walk Out" looks like an effort we all need to join and support. I joined the mailing list earlier today...bad internet connection at present--cannot access the website.

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Could you post a link to the website, thanks.

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Don't forget Dr. Fauci.

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How could we forget? He's been on TV more than Barabara Walters. pax!

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Very true.

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They are delusional and very wealthy. A bad combination! They can't be reasoned with. Very, very dangerous.

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"It is really convenient..." those may be the famous last words of Western culture.

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Regarding the "Patriot Act", I know of a guy who is in a Federal prison 3 1/2 -4 yrs. now and HAS NOT YET been arraigned or charged with a crime!

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Same old. They walk the sheep into the pen they want them in. Look at the Homeland Security Act of 2002, aka "The Patriot Act" , that keeps getting renewed by Congress. To keep us safe from "terrorists", (that are allowed to enter the country on a regular basis), they stripped away ALL your Constitutional rights!

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It all comes down to the arguments that are made for doing things like this. If they are solid enough and come with rebuttals to possible hesitation, well then, we're getting chipped. We've got to recognize things like 'safety' as excuses not justifications.

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Wednesday if busy on line for me.. I have researched this and commented extensively on the FUTURISTs.. who want everyone to be half Bot.. Man playing God again. great comments on the feed.

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Evolution is a farce. When Richard Dawkins was confronted with the FACT that the DNA code could not have occurred randomly, his response was to say that ancient aliens "seeded" us here on earth. The Ancient Alien "evolutionists" claim that the "aliens" will come back to direct our "next phase" of "evolution. And MILLIONS will fall for it.

Daniel 2:43 "And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men; but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay."

"THEY" are not "aliens," they're demonic. They are the "fallen ones" - the Nephilim (Genesis 6 - the Days of Noe). And now that they are trying to manipulate the human genome, we have entered the last days before the coming of the "Son of Man."

"But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." - Mt. 24:37

This is biblical.

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Thank you for sharing your view.

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Interesting the possible connection between superheros and what is happening, hope that you engage in that conversation in the future. Good luck and I liked the post very much. As always I love your research and quotes, good job.

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Thank you! I've made a note of your suggestion.

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